Sequel: The Gates of Hell

Vengeance Banks In

Thnks Fr Th Mmrs

“No,” I whispered softly as I stepped back, almost falling again. If he was here, it wasn’t because he wanted to visit or because he felt bad about berating me so many times or hitting me those couple hundreds of times. “Why the fuck are you here?”

“Who’s this, Bri?” Gena walked up behind me and eyed my father, not a creepy ‘sexy’ stare but one that was trying to figure out if she knew him.

“My father,” I whispered looking away from him to her. “Get Johnny and Zacky, hurry.”

“Oh baby, are you not going to invite me in?” my father, Larry questioned in such an innocent tone that it made me second guess his reasons for being here. But then I remembered the scar on my stomach he gave me when I was thirteen and forgot about sympathy and focused on rage.

“Fuck no,” I stated sternly as Gena ran off yelling for Zacky and Johnny to hurry up and get their ass in gear. It seemed like forever before they actually arrived at my side, well in front of me to be more exact.

“What are you doing here, Larry?” Johnny asked in a tone I had never heard before, it was a mixture of hatred, annoyance and plain fury.

“I came to pick up my baby girl, did Diane not tell you that we were sharing her on holidays and seasons I pick?” my father commented sarcastically. “Summer time, it’s my time now.”

“Fuck you; I’m eighteen I don’t have to do shit!” I shouted from behind Zacky’s back, I was going to walk around him and scream some more to my deadbeat dad but large hands wrapped around my waist and picked me off the ground. “Matt put me the fuck down!”

“Calm down, Bri,” he handed me off to Brian who carried me bridal style up to my room but trust me when I say, when he sat me down, I bolted from his sights downstairs.

“Briony!” he shouted letting everyone know I was leaving, I was out the back door before anyone could turn around through and unknown to me, my father was out the front in search for me, revenge was his reason and I was his target.

“Where the fuck is she?” Johnny looked around frantically as everyone took to exits in search of me, they couldn’t find me though. I was already in the woods running for my life.

“Why’d I run?” I whispered harshly to myself as I sprinted through the woods around me, my shirt snagging every once in awhile on branches. I didn’t have a reason to why I ran besides my mind telling me I wasn’t eighteen but I was eight again, needing to run away from my father while he beat my mother to a broken rib or two and knowing he would soon be after me. I sobbed as I ran and finally slowed down when I heard traffic from the interstate close, I wasn’t near the house anymore—I had run a long time apparently. I cleared the woods and started walking the side of the road, walking just to walk with no intentions of turning back when I had a very bad feeling; I turned around to look and spotted a truck very similar to my father’s speeding faster than the other cars towards the shoulder of the road. “He wouldn’t?” I guess he would, I narrowly jumped out of his way, and the side of his headlights clipped my shoulder. I heard something crack and pain shot through my arm to my toes and back, radiating. But I couldn’t moan in pain for long, I had to get up since his truck had slammed on the breaks and was reversing just as fast towards me. “He’s on fucking crack!” I jumped from the ground and had made it at least ten feet away when I heard the biggest, sickening crunch and crash I had ever heard. I turned around even though my conscience kicked my brain for doing it and spotted my dad’s truck run up the windshield of Zacky’s brand new mustang GT. “Zacky!” even though my arm hurt like a bitch, I ran for the drivers side of the car. I pulled it open and gasped at Zacky’s slumped over figure, my dad’s truck tire was almost through the windshield, inches from his face. “Zacky wake up, Zacky!” I tapped his cheek with my good hand; I’d nervously glance over my shoulder at my father’s truck to make sure he wasn’t coming for me every now and then. Panic consumed me when the door to his truck flung open and he fell from it to the ground. “Oh God, Zacky wake up please.”

“You little bitch, you took everything from me,” my father rambled. I knew what he was talking about though, throughout my life he had told me that my birth had messed up everything for him and my mother, their relationship fell apart because I was born, I was an accident that should have been taken care of. And the last time I had heard him say this was because I was the reason Johnny was taking us away from him, because I met Johnny at an ice cream shop in New Jersey while he was meeting friends, I invited him over to eat with us since his friends had left that morning and he wasn’t leaving until the next day, he met my mother and—the rest is history. He blamed me, but I was proud of myself. “You fucking mistake, I should have took care of you the day your mother say she was having you!”

“Take it back you piece of shit,” I stepped away from Zacky and the wreckage; I was backing away from his figure wobbling closer to me. “I wasn’t the reason you and mom split, it’s because you’re not a fucking man! A man would love his wife and children; you fucked that up yourself when you hit her the first time. If I’m the accident, you’re the fucking cause and guess what, Johnny is the solution. He’s my father, you son of a bitch. Burn in hell.”

“I’m going to kill you,” he ran at me, his feet not so wobbly this time. I thought about running again but, what would be the point—to run from the one fear I have the rest of my life, I never expressed my terror towards him to anyone but him, now I wouldn’t give him the fucking pleasure.

“Do it then, asshole,” when he got close enough, I kicked my foot up and landed a punch in his groin and then pulled him down to my knee in his chin. “A couple years away do a girl good, plus five men, not cowards teaching me how to fight.”

“You’re such a bitch,” he gasped out holding his throat and his crotch, he took me by surprise launching at me like he did, he grabbed my hurt arm and twisted it. Along with the second pop sounding from that left arm, a scream came along with it. “That hurt? How’s this feel?” he pulled it even farther and pushed me to the ground, darkness kept anyone from seeing us, I begged to God that someone would put on their bright lights and see us because the way he was going he would kill me through torture. “Stupid little—“

Silence…besides my sobs and his body falling to the ground behind me, my eyes were shut in pain but I couldn’t move my arm—it was dead I believe. “Baby?”


“Zacky?” I whimpered out, he murmured something along the lines of yes before he started talking aimlessly into what I hoped to be a cell phone. When he stopped talking he moved my arm to a less painful position and sat me in his lap, my face towards the sky and his, he played with my hair. “Thank you for saving me Zacky.”

“You know I love you baby girl,” he whispered as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips. “I don’t want your asshole father killing you before I can marry you.”

“Oh Zacky,” I whispered the words before I fainted, I don’t know what it is but when were around each other, it’s like a trend.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Dad


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