Sequel: The Gates of Hell

Vengeance Banks In

Bad Medicine

“Morning sweepy head,” I groggily grinned at Caty as she sat down a tray of what looked like breakfast in front of me, on a hospital tray that sat over the bed. “It’s good to see you away, girlie.”

“Where is Zacky?” I wondered out loud. “And everyone else.”

“Everyone is out eating, Jimmy forced them all go leave your side because you’ve been in here a day and a half and they haven’t left and Zacky is,” Caty merely nodded her head to the left, I followed it and smiled when I seen Zacky curled up in a cot by the bed. “He’s been asleep since two so don’t wake him, he stayed up all night.”

“Alright,” I whispered looking down at my left arm with a grimace. “I just got rid of this shit a month ago, why again?”

“Your father is a lunatic?” she murmured.

“Don’t remind me,” I mumbled picking up a fork with my right hand. “This is so fucked up; I knew he was crazy but trying to kill me? His only kid, damn the man needs therapy.”

“He’s in jail, so therapy may have to wait,” she smiled as she sat down beside me and took one of my two biscuits. “Can I have one?”

“Take it,” I murmured biting into the eggs on my fork. “Hospital food…yum.”

“Sarcasm,” she mocked my tone and waved her biscuit in the air. “Yay.”

“Bitch please,” I grumbled looking over at Zacky’s sleeping figure, I grinned at the sight of his mouth gapping open while little snores snuck out. “He saved my life twice, Caty.”

“So I heard,” she chuckled lowly as she jabbed my side, my reflex was throwing my fork at her, she ducked with a squeak that was so loud Zacky jumped and fell from his cot.

“Oh look at what you did,” I softly scolded her as I looked down at Zacky’s confused face helplessly, I couldn’t help him up being all wired up as I am. “Zacky are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m good,” he stated hoarsely as he lifted himself off the floor, rubbing his head he looked around and spotted me. “You’re awake!”

“Morning, Zacky,” Caty called out laughing as she took the other biscuit in a flash and ran from the room. “I’ll get more!”

“Bitch,” I mumbled looking at her retreating ass and elbows as they went through the door. “She’s fast…”

“Are you in pain?” Zacky whispered gently as he moved to sit on the edge of my bed. “Your arm hurt? Your face was scratched up to so—“

“I’m fine, Zacky,” I used my right hand to grab the collar of his shirt and pull him down to my level. “I owe you my life, you saved me twice—I love you.”

“I own three lives, Jimmy will be so fucking jealous,” he stated jokingly as he wrapped his hands around the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss that lasted for the longest time, until it was rudely interrupted by the door opening.

“Watch it,” Johnny walked in and pointed towards Zacky, my heart raced thinking I was caught and about to be yelled at, when Johnny noticed the monitor spazing out he laughed. “It’s cool.”

“It’s cool?” I asked slowly and unbelievably. “Bullshit…seriously?”

“Seriously,” my mom walked in with a big grin on her face. “Oh, by the way baby, I didn’t tell your dad to come by ever—or that he could have you in summer.”

“I know,” I agreed because she wouldn’t have, he came up with shit out of thin air. “So you’re okay with Zacky and I…?”

“He saved your life, that shows how much he loves you,” Johnny shrugged and pointed to Zacky. “Stop fucking smirking, cocky fucker.”

“Twice,” he corrected Johnny with a grin; I had to add in by putting two fingers up on my right hands. “See, twice.”

“Fuck you,” he dryly murmured before he looked at my mother and grunted. “Shitheads.”

“Yup,” she agreed with a laugh.

“Your okay!” Danielle ran in scaring everyone in the room, she was dragging not only Benji in one hand but Caty in another. “Your okay! My God you scared me!”

“We were worried,” after Benji gave Danielle a good long confused stare he turned to me and murmured his thoughts. “We’re glad you’re okay, like she said.”

“I got something so much better than biscuits!” Caty laughed as she held out two boxes of dunkin’ donuts, two were missing from each box.

“Four is missing,” I commented.

“I got hungry on the way back, the elevator takes forever,” she explained with a heavy dramatic sigh. “Oh um…Jimmy, Leana, Brian, Michelle, Matt, Val, Paul, Billy, Robert and Kassie are on their way back with chic-fil-a fries."

“Oh fuck yes,” I murmured happily, so much better than soupy eggs and fatty bacon, I spotted Zacky eying it along with Caty and scooted it towards them. “Have at it.”

“Thanks,” they both stated before they started grabbing, stabbing and calling dibs on pieces of the foods. Somehow Caty ended up with more and Zacky turned to me whining.

“Share,” I scolded Caty, who whined and threw a handful of bacon at Zacky. “Hey, no food fighting in the hospital—oh hell, Caty I have bacon in my hair now!”
♠ ♠ ♠


I know its short, bare with me.

Okay, so Romanian Lover made me a banner (one out of two people that only sent me banners, thank you very much) and I won't be able to put it in until the next chapter, so thank you very much Romanian Lover!