Sequel: The Gates of Hell

Vengeance Banks In


“Its nice to meet you Briony Banks-Seward, I’m Zachary James Baker, I like Zacky better though and I’m twenty seven years old, I’m not in school but I’m in a band with your step-father and I’m allergic to—well I don’t know but I do have a dog named Ichabod Crane,” he said slowly and then grinned widely when he realized he made me laugh. “Hey, are you going on tour with us next month?”

“Johnny hasn’t said anything about it,” I said slowly and then realized myself that I probably wouldn’t after my stunt. “And probably won’t after what I did—he’s not very—humorous with me.”

“Come on, Bri—we’ll get married and he’ll have to let you,” he joked and nudged my side right before he stood up and walked to the door. “I’ll talk to Johnny; I’ll get him to let you go. I have a feeling you and me will become very good friends—wait, answer me this. Do you—play any instruments?”

“I can play drums and a little guitar,” I smirked as he jumped up and down like a teenager. “Calm down, buddy boy—you might blow a gasket.”

- -- --- ---- ----- ------

“I’m getting fat,” Zacky mumbled as I stepped through the tour bus doors, he was sitting slumped on the bus sofa with a bag of chips on his chest, crumbs lying lazily around his mouth. “Sup, Chica.”

“Hey Briony,” Jimmy, as I learned to be the freakishly tall black haired man, laughed as I looked at Zacky with one eyebrow raised higher than the other. “Don’t mind him; he’s pigging out the whole time downing himself.”

“Get fat, at least your enjoying yourself,” I winked and moved to the back where the bunks were with my bags, Johnny allowed me to go with him on one condition, that I stayed away from any guys and that I called my mother every day. I agreed, it wasn’t that bad of a deal. I mean, I got to know all of the guys through phone calls, emails, text messages and oddly enough the old fashion meet up at the movies get up.

“But I’m still fat!” I could hear Zacky shouting from the front, I only giggled and continued to the bunks. When I arrived, I spotted at least three pairs of feet hanging out of three different bunks.

“S’cuse me,” I murmured pushing one of the pairs away from my head; I was leaning down trying to get into my bunk. The feet moved and a head replaced them, revealing the one and only Synyster Gates. “Morning, Synny.”

“I hate that,” he pointed at me like he was getting onto me. “Hmm—what do you have there?”

“You’re not getting it,” I hid my notebook behind my back, only to have it taken from me from behind. “Hey!”

“What’s up,” Jimmy started flipping through the pages with a frown, casually humming as he did so. “You wrote all these?”

“I write poems and stories when I’m bored and I figure I will be for awhile,” I snatched the notebook and tried to flee but Jimmy caught me by the waist and pulled me back, I tried to scream but Synyster covered my mouth.

“Hush you big baby, I want to read,” Synyster childishly stuck his tongue out and then flicked the end of my nose; I scrunched it up and licked his hand. It grossed him out because he dropped his hand covering my mouth. “Ew, she licked me!”

“Johnny! Zacky! Matt!” I screamed and pushed and kicked my way away from Jimmy, he grunted at the pressure of my fighting and eventually dropped me. “Brian and Jimmy have my notebook, Johnny! Go get it back, please!”

“Guys give it back, it’s basically her life on pages,” Johnny sighed as he walked back to the bunks; I took a seat beside Zacky who weakly turned to stare at me.

“Your friends are assholes,” I murmured and got a grunt of agreement from him as well as a nod. “Are you an asshole?” he shook his head no and then changed it to a nod and then settled on a shrug. “If you turn into an asshole, can I have permission to slap you silly?”

“Full permission,” he spoke finally and reached in the Cheetos bag that he must have switched to and pulled one out and held it out for me. “Cheeto?”

“Don’t mind if I do,” I picked it out of his hand and put it in my mouth, chewing it with a grin that showed my teeth and the food stuck in them. He didn’t seem grossed out like I hoped, just stared at me boredly with that look on his face that simply stated I’m about asleep kinda like the looks I got when Johnny lectured me. “You awake there ocean eyes?”

“Ocean eyes?” he asked, but before I could answer, I heard laughing, yelling, pounding footsteps and something that sounded like a crash. “Oh shit, incoming!”

Before I could even scream, Zacky dropped his Cheetos and covered me with his body. I felt pressure of people piling up on us, even though Zacky was trying to help I think it made it worse. “I can’t breathe!”

“Get off you fuckers!” I heard Matt scream as Johnny shouted obscenities. “Hang on Briony; I have to pick these dumbasses off you.”

When Matt and Johnny finally weeding them off of me, I pushed Zacky off me and laid on his chest heaving for air, my back against his chest and our legs all sprawled out in weird positions. “I think we killed them,” Jimmy commented.

“Or traumatized them,” Synyster chuckled as he leaned over me and slapped Zacky’s face as hard as he could, I grimaced just hearing it. “Wake up stupid.”

“I’m going to kill you Gates,” Zacky launched himself from the sofa after Synyster, who was giggling madly while running away from him, it wasn’t like he could get far—the bus was moving and it wasn’t that big.

“Your—uh, poems and stories are pretty good, what we read that is,” Jimmy moved his feet restlessly, knowing I wasn’t exactly a happy camper that he read my private thoughts and dreams. I had some really deep things in there, like—things I wouldn’t even share with my mom. He handed over the big notebook and kissed the top of my head like it was a peace offering. “Keep on keeping on.”
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