Sequel: The Gates of Hell

Vengeance Banks In

Never Too Late

“Get out of my sights: weird, pale and lanky,” I shooed him off and held my notebook close, he ran off in hopes of helping someone harm the other, where Synyster and Zacky were considered and Matt went back to his bunk, doing whatever he had been doing. Johnny sat beside me and put his arm over my shoulders.

“I’m glad you’re getting along with the guys,” he kissed my temple and smiled when I laughed lowly. “Yes—that’s getting along with the guys. They told me before they met you that they were planning on annoying the shit out of you like they used to with me, since your my kid.”

“But I’m your step-daughter,” I didn’t mean it to come out rude, it sounded rude but he understood.

“Yes, but I love you like my own kid, even if your only seven years younger than me. So now you’ve inherited my beef with A7X, sorry sweetheart. Welcome to hell, hope you enjoy the ride,” he kissed my cheek this time, ruffled my hair and walked off leaving me all on my own with the silence and the grimace on my face.

“Fan-fucking-tastic,” I grumbled and looked from side to side, to my left was a mini-kitchen which I think they call a kitchenette that had boxes upon boxes of food the boys bought, to my right was the living room area that had a big TV and an entertainment system and then the door to the driver. I decided to waste my time with my MP3 placed in my bra (no pockets) while I put everything away, such as the food and the pots and pans. I managed to put away everything while I danced around singing under my breath to Pink’s newest CD funhouse, the song Bad Influence was my favorite and funhouse just got my blood pumping so when I heard it, I felt my energy renew and I set off to clean and tidy up the rest of the kitchenette and then the living room and I finished with a grand finale of rearranging the DVD collection and putting the video game stack in order.

“What the hell has gotten into you?” I pulled an earbud out and glanced over my shoulder where Zacky, Johnny, Jimmy, Synyster and Matt stood staring at me like I had just transformed into a bear or something. Johnny spoke, I could tell that but I didn’t know which one to answer to, I was feeling a bit embarrassed being caught doing my ‘super cool dancing moves’ that a friend and I had made.

“Shit,” I called out as the bus stopped on a dime and sent me into the entertainment system dresser thing’s corner. I felt my head hit the sharp edge, sending a radiating pain through the skull and back to my nervous system; I had to blink through the fog of agony to see everyone else sprawled out in different places; Johnny was the first one to stand up. When he seen me lying on the ground, he ran to me. “Johnny, I think I’m bleeding.”

“You are, stay still,” he prodded his fingers around my scalp as the others stood up and started questioning what happened, a couple of them cussed to no end. “Zacky, do me a favor and get me a towel.”

“Why?” Zacky glanced over with annoyance clouding his handsome features, when he seen me on the ground in what I hoped wasn’t a very—unladylike position, his face chanced from aggravation to oh shit in a second flat and then he ran to get a towel.

“Bri, you okay?” Synyster’s tone was soft; it made me raise one eyebrow, even though it hurt. He grinned and shook his head. “She’ll be fine; she’s already giving me the look.”

“I’ll go check and see what happened,” Matt rubbed his forehead where a big red mark was slowly appearing; I think he smacked his head on the counter of the kitchen table.

“I’ll go with you,” Jimmy rubbed his back; he hit something on the sofa. He looked over at me and winked what I assumed to be a reassuring wink before he followed the big guy out of the bus.

“I got a towel,” Zacky ran back in with a big white towel, he handed it over to Johnny and absentmindedly rubbing his face, where I’m sure he had hit it. The only one who hadn’t been hurt was Johnny; he had just hit the ground. Everyone else had fell or hit something pretty hard. “It look bad?”

“Not to bad, she does need to go get stitches though. Briony, tell Zacky how many fingers he’s holding up,” Johnny stated, Zacky looked at him and then back to me before he held out his hands.

“Five, nine, two, four—I’m okay, I can see—three, seven, Zacky enough,” I slapped his hands from my face and scrunched up my face at the pain that Johnny had caused by applying pressure to the spot on my head with the towel Zacky had brought. “Johnny, stop—that hurts.”

“Stop whining, it will stop the bleeding,” Johnny slapped my hand that tried to pry his from my head. I pouted my bottom lip with a grunt. Zacky smirked and shook his head before he helped me stand. “If I give you the towel, you have to keep the pressure on it—“

“Agreed,” I took over the towel duty and followed Zacky outside, Johnny followed behind me, making sure I was holding the towel against my head with just enough to pressure to make my eyes bug. When we walked around the huge side of the bus, all of our eyes bugged at the scene in front of us. “Oh God…”

“Don’t look,” Zacky turned around and shielded me from the sight, his arms wrapped around my waist and he backed me up from sight and took me back inside the bus. The reason the bus had stopped was there was a man—who apparently jumped from a bridge that we were about to go under, he hit our bus and his remains were in different spots across the interstate.

“That was horrible,” I whispered as I dug my face into his chest, Zacky smelled good, some kind of cologne mixed with Cheetos—I didn’t enjoy the Cheeto smell so much but the cologne was soothing. “Zacky why would someone—“

“Some people can’t take what happens in their lives,” he started off with a light, airy tone to his voice as he rubbed my back up and down. “They don’t have people they can go to that can help them; they don’t realize that they are loved. Its sad but—some people just don’t have the will to live.”

“I don’t see how someone could end their life just because—“ I stopped and shook my head, I didn’t want to hear anything else—actually I didn’t hear anything else. I looked up from Zacky’s chest and seen his lips moving, but I couldn’t hear him. I vaguely remember murmuring that I couldn’t hear him before everything faded and darkness consumed me. Lucky me.
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