Sequel: The Gates of Hell

Vengeance Banks In


“You’re awake,” I opened my eyes and then closed them quickly when the light burned them; I had seen Synyster leaning over me smiling.

“Brian?” my voice was groggy, deep with sleep like usual. “Oh damn—my head hurts.”

“You had a concussion and a large laceration on your noggin, girlie. You have seven stitches and a big band-aid around your head,” Synyster smiled and rubbed my cheek. “Your mother went crazy when she heard; Johnny managed to keep her from driving all the way here by telling her it was nothing. She called your father and he called Johnny and fussed him out—more like cussed the poor man until his ears almost bled and then Zacky passed out.”

“Why did Zacky pass out?”

“I’m not really sure,” he scratched his hairline and shrugged his shoulders weakly. “But it’s funny to tell everyone what a pansy he is. He and Johnny, Matt and Jimmy are out eating—they had to force him to go because he hasn’t left your side.”

“How long I’ve been here?” I found myself making my hand stop roaming my head for the stitches and big band-aid before I hurt myself. The hospital wasn’t my favorite place, but I didn’t have a phobia of it. Never really been in one to have a phobia.

“You’ve been here for probably six hours,” he shrugged and sneered. “Not really that long, they said you passed out from a mixture of shock and blood loss.”

“The man,” I murmured and shook my head, trying to rid myself of the image but only succeeding in making my head ache. “Ow—head rush.”

“Oh I hear them,” Synyster stood up; he had been crouched against the bed railing. “Jimmy’s loud as fuck…”

“It’s usually you,” I murmured as the door opened and Johnny stormed through, he looked annoyed and pissed off. Zacky followed suit with the same look, Matt did to but Jimmy walked in with a grin plastered to his face. When they noticed I was awake, their expressions changed quickly. “What’s up guys?”

“How are you feeling?” Matt questioned sticking his hands in his pocket, no doubt ready to call his fiancé, Val—I met her once and she was a really awesome lady who had the best tips for hairstyles and make up styles.

“Like I’ve been ran—“I stopped mid sentence and chuckled nervously. “Not to good, even my choice of words suck.”

“Says the grammar queen,” Johnny chuckled as he walked forward and took a seat at the end of the bed. “Your head hurt any?”

“Only when I move it,” I answered honestly as I scratched my neck, I was feeling kind of itchy from the gown I was in. “Who saw me naked and put me in this?”

“Some female nurse named Linda, she was pretty,” Jimmy winked and smirked at me.

“Your married,” I reminded him before I turned back to Johnny. “I heard about Larry calling you, I’m real sorry. He’s just overprotective of me when I get hurt—when he doesn’t do the stuff that hurts me.”

“Your real father hurt you?” Zacky asked quietly as he took a seat on the opposite side of Johnny.

“Used to, he used to hurt my mom to until Johnny showed up and—“I stopped when Johnny put a hand on my leg and shook his head.

“You don’t need to worry about it, I set him straight,” he nodded and leaned down, kissed my forehead and stood back up. “The doctor said as soon as you woke up to go get him and they’d check you out and send you on your way.”

“Okay,” I nodded and grimaced at the pain. “I really need to stop nodding; it’s beginning to really hurt.”

“Someone needs a scratch shield like dogs have,” Jimmy laughed. “So she won’t scratch at her head.”

“Shut up, lanky,” I shouted and kicked my leg out, catching him rather close to his groin.

“You better watch those,” he pointed to my feet with venom laced in his words. “Or I’ll get you back—Bri.”

“Bring it, Jim—“I might have been injured but I wasn’t completely out of the game, I smirked as he stomped away like a child.

“I think you intimidate him,” Zacky laughed as he looked over at Synyster, who agreed with a laugh and a nod of his head. “Damn, you intimidate me, you scare me.”

“It better stay that way,” I grabbed one of his lip rings and brought his whimpering figure closer, I narrowed my eyes staring into his before I kissed his nose. “Thanks for helping me out, I owe you.”

“Like twenty bucks and a bit of dignity,” he spoke when I let go of his ring. “I passed out when you did, you let go of the towel and let’s just say I’m not good with blood that isn’t mine.”

“You poor thing,” I laughed and waited for the doctor to come in and check on me, when he did he gave me a clean bill of health. Well almost, he said I needed to rest plenty and drink plenty of fluids. It wasn’t what I expected but I went with it and agreed and twenty minutes later I was out of the hospital and on the bus, which was a completely different one. “What happened to—“

“We needed another after,” Matt waved his finger around and grunted. The guy that fell from the sky — broke our windshield and did a couple traumatizing things to the driver who was put on a paid vacation, I later found out.

“Sleep, I need sleep,” I murmured and made my way to the back where the bunks were, I found the bunk they retained as mine and fell asleep in it as quickly as my head hit the pillow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Love Is Poison
