Sequel: The Gates of Hell

Vengeance Banks In

I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It

“Wake up!” I nearly bumped my head on the ceiling of my bunk, but a hand covered my forehead and pushed me back down to the pillow. “Watch it, Bri—you’ll knock your noggin again.”

“Brian Elwin Haner Junior, get away from me right now before I decide to decapitate you,” my eyes were closed and my voice was calm, I think that’s why he took it as a serious threat and scurried away like a scared rat. “Thank you, come again.”

“That was good,” someone plopped down at the end of my bunk and laid across my legs that were covered with a small quilt my mother had made for me when I was born, I opened one eye and spotted Zacky grinning at me, his eyes vivid with happiness. “Very entertaining for a wake up call.”

“You just woke up?” my voice was gravely from just waking up and I probably sounded like a man, but Zacky didn’t seem to catch it.

“Brian woke me up before he woke you up,” Zacky yawned and crawled up beside me, on the far edge of the bunk. “He actually woke up everyone before you, you were the lucky one.”

“You’re warm,” I was freezing, one thin almost ripped apart quilt was not enough, I was shaking as I curled up beside Zacky. He took the hint and pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me.

“Next place we stop, I’ll get you a blanket okay?” he murmured in my ear, it was a good thing I was already shivering.

“Okay, but I still want this one too, my mom made it when I was born,” I shivered so much my muscles were beginning to hurt. I placed my hands on the sides of his stomach, trying to get them warmed up from his body heat, when that didn’t work I put them under his shirt—not thinking anything of it.

“Whoa there, Bri, watch it,” Zacky laughed nervously and moved my hands away from his skin. “Your freezing and your hands are—“

“I’m sorry,” I murmured a little embarrassed, I turned to full on embarrassment when he laughed louder than before. I was about to hide under my pillow when he pushed my chin up with his hand.

“Babe, calm down its okay,” he smiled and looked into my eyes, it slowly faded off of his face but his eyes never left mine—his ocean blue eyes were even brighter than ever, I was entranced in them, so much so that when he leaned in I didn’t even notice—until his lips touched mine for the second time ever—and not the same reason was used. I wasn’t dying and sure as hell wasn’t faking it. I was shocked at first, I didn’t kiss back until I realized how good his lips felt, they were pretty to look at all heart shaped (or what I thought they looked) and full but the feeling was so much better. Right as our mouths opened and tasted one another; he pulled away and almost flung himself back against the wall. “We can’t do this, no, no—we can’t.”

“Zacky I’m sorry—“ I didn’t get to say anything else, he pressed his lips against mine without a second to waste and once again we tasted one another as his hands roamed around my waist, no higher and no lower, except my outer thighs. My hands roamed around in his hair until he once again pulled away, but this time he didn’t say anything just climbed out of the bunk and out of the room.

When he left, all I could do was stare at the curtain he left swinging in his wait. And then it dawned on me, I had morning breath. “Oh fucking fuck.”

“Babe, wake up,” the curtain moved back and Matt poked his head in, when he seem I was awake he smiled. “I made breakfast, eggs and bacon with pancakes. Come and get some if you want.”

“Alright,” I forced a smile and nodded. “Let me get my robe.”

Five minutes later, I was in the kitchen with a plate in front of me (courtesy Synyster Gates and his ass-kissing ways, he was trying to get on my good side because of his rude awakening) and I sat opposite of Zacky at the table, beside me was Matt to my left and on my right was Johnny. Beside Zacky on his left was Synyster and on his right was Jimmy, he was quiet and everyone kind of took that as a sign that something was wrong, they questioned him the whole time. “I said I’m oh-fucking-kay, Shadows, leave me the fuck alone, alright?” he shouted after a few hundred questions.

“Okay man, chill,” Matt held his hands out as a peace offering and took a bite of his pancake. “Someone’s moody as fuck…”

“I’m eating outside, fuck you guys,” Zacky grabbed the syrup, another three pancakes, climbed over Jimmy and left slamming the door, leaving everyone in shock and taken back.

“I’ll go talk to him,” I swallowed the bacon I chewed up and climbed over Matt’s lap, he groaned after I kneed him in a very private place, I explained it was completely accidental before I walked out of the bus and looked around, I found Zacky leaned up against the front bumper eating his food off his knee, the syrup bottle slung under his arm. “Why are you so pissy to them?”

He jumped like he had been shot at when I spoke, I would have laughed if I hadn’t been so peeved at his rudeness towards his friends. He turned to me and looked around for a second before he leaned in farther and whispered: “Because I feel guilty for kissing you.”

“Guilty?” I snapped poking his chest. “If you feel guilty you shouldn’t have done it twice, if you feel guilty you should deal with it with me and not your friends.”

“I’m sorry,” he shrugged and sat down his plate, and the bottle of syrup. “I don’t know how to deal with this, Briony. I’ll tell you this honestly, I really like you—I’ve had weird feelings for you since I’ve met you, but I feel like a fucking pedophile for doing it—your seventeen and I’m twenty seven, there are so many things wrong with that.”

“What’s so wrong about it?” I asked softly as I looked up into his breathtaking eyes, they always got me, no matter what. “Johnny and mom wouldn’t care, I mean—I’m almost eighteen, it’s not like I’m going to do anything with you that will get you arrested.”

“I know, I guess, I just don’t know anymore,” he grunted and fell against the bus. “What do we do now?”

“This is the part where you ask me to be your girlfriend,” I instructed him. He rolled his eyes and murmured under his breath if I wanted to be his girlfriend. “Yes, now you can kiss me,” I spoke softly and he pulled me close and hugged tightly, kissing my lips like he had before. But only this time, it was more passionate.
♠ ♠ ♠
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