Sequel: The Gates of Hell

Vengeance Banks In

Bad Girlfriend

I probably should have left it alone, I probably should have forgot about it, I probably should have said fuck it and moved on but when I heard through the grapevine (A.K.A. all the guests around) that Zacky and the pretty blond chick Gena had got back together and left to go back to our bus, I couldn’t help but you know, get pissed off and go looking for him. Granted, I should have trusted him a little bit more but Gena was so much prettier than me, she was beautiful—they looked good together, much more than us. But I liked him a lot. A couple days of liking each other wasn’t enough for love but it was a like that would kill for the object of fascination. Or something like that. I pushed through a couple crowds of hovering people getting drunk together, I shouldn’t have been in on the mix because I’m underage for just about everything but I was allowed to be with my mother and step-father, plus, I was the designated babysitter for all of the adults I knew. I eventually went outside, taking a deep breath of fresh air that didn’t smell like smoke or beer, or sweat and took off for the bus. I threw the door open and walked through the kitchen, ready to kick some ass if needed. When I pushed open the bunk room sliding door, I laughed. “Zacky, what in the hell are you doing?”

“You got me hooked on trix and whiskey?” he was sitting in the middle of the floor by himself with three bottles of whiskey and a whole box of trix. “I got bored.”

“You couldn’t come get me?” I wondered walking in and taking a seat beside him. “I would have came back here and played monopoly with you.”

He grinned and shook his head at my joke and handed over the trix box. “You can’t have any whiskey; I’m not a bad boyfriend.”

“I’m a horrible girlfriend,” I confessed with a sigh as I looked at the ground. “I thought you were in here with Gena, everyone has said you were getting back with her.”

“I loved Gena,” he admitted as he put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me close to his side. “But after awhile, we lost that love and became really good friends, I don’t see her like I used to.”

“I’m sorry for being jealous,” I grumbled under my breath, I felt horrible for being the jealous girlfriend, only a day in to.

“Its okay, I’d be jealous to babe,” he lifted my chin up and kissed my lips softly, he glanced down at his watch and smirked. “Thirty seconds to the new year.”

“This is going to be a good year, Zacky. I can just tell,” I smiled and kissed his lips softly, just a mere peck. He nodded and kept his eyes on the watch.

“Seventeen seconds.”

“Two months I’m eighteen,” I whispered as I pressed myself up against his chest, waiting for the midnight kiss.

“Ten seconds.”

“Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four,” I counted down as a whisper as he looked away from his watch into my eyes, I seen his ocean blues and felt giddy inside.

“Three, two, one,” he leaned down and brought me into such a kiss that I was reeling while still fighting the battle against his dominance. “You won’t ever let me win, will you?”

“We’re equal babe,” I whispered with a low, throaty laugh that made him smile. “Now kiss me some more, I have to go watch the kids soon.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” he leaned in the few inches and connected our lips again, he felt perfect.

“Zacky, where are you babe?” I pulled away right as the voice reached my ears, the Gena lady stood in the doorway staring at us with wide eyes. “Zacky?”

“Gena—um, don’t say anything to anyone about this,” he licked his lips and pointed to me and him. “We’re not going to tell anyone until February, okay?”

“Uh, okay,” she nodded in agreement. “I—I don’t think I’ve met you though.”

“This is Johnny’s step-daughter, Briony Banks-Seward, Briony this is Gena Paulhus my ex girlfriend,” Zacky introduced us with a nervous smile. “This is awkward.”

“Stop it,” I slapped his arm and stood up, I walked up to Gena and smiled while holding a hand out. “Its nice to meet you, you can call me Bri.”

“You can call me Gee, its nice to meet you Bri,” Gena smiled a set of pearly whites toward me and then to Zacky. “I like her.”

“Thanks,” Zacky smiled proudly as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. “Let’s go get the guys before someone pukes or sleeps with someone their not supposed to.”

“Ten bucks says that Synyster will pinch my butt again,” I murmured following Zacky out of the bus, I held his hand as he pulled me along, Gena was beside me. “Even though last time he was sober…”

“He does that often,” Gena commented as she caught up to walk beside me, she had fell behind when Zacky started running up the hill. “I have a couple run-in stories of that.”

“Lucky me, I have more to come then,” I sighed with a roll of my eyes, she laughed at my sarcasm and held the door open for me to run through when Zacky started running towards the group of people. “Should I worry?”

“Hang on,” I heard her murmur before I was vaulted backward towards the door, Zacky’s hang flew out of mine and I landed on my ass hard, laughing hysterically. “Oops, that’s not what I had in mind…”

“My ass,” I gasped through the laughs, falling backwards on my back while cupping my butt cheeks in my hands, they were numb from the encounter with the hard cement floor. “Ow—damn it.”

“I’m sorry,” Gena laughed as she helped me off the floor. “Next time, when I pull you away from Zacky, remember to brace yourself for the impact.”
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Hey guys, I love that your reading this and all, but I'd like to request a little feedback. I like reading what you have to say.

