Too blind to see it was you all along

Chapter 1

***Gerard POV***

"Gee,your phone's ringing!" Shouted Mikey.
"Yeah,yeah,im coming" Mumbled Gerard.
"Hello?" Answered Gerard.
"Is this Mr.Gerard Way?" Asked the voice on the other end.
"Yes it is.Who is this?"
"Mr.Way my name is Roger Welles.Im a social worker from Dreams orphanage.I understand you were the best friend of Mr.Shaun Hudson,and the god father of his daughter,Angel.Am i correct?"
"...Yes.Wait what do you mean by were the best friend?"
"Mr.Way im very sorry to inform you that Mr.Hudson and his wife were killed in a car crash yesterday afternoon"
"Oh my god..." whispered, Gerard.He couldn't believe what he was hearing.He had only just spoken to Shaun yesterday morning.He felt his vision blur from the tears forming.
"Mr.Way,by what Mr and Mrs Hudson's will says... you are the gaurdian of Miss.Angel Hudson,along with Miss.Natalie Ashen."
"What do you mean along with?" asked Gerard.
"Well, Mrs.Joanne Hudson has it in her will that Miss.Ashen is Angel's god mother,meaning that you both have custody of Angel."
"Are you serious?" Asked Gerard Shocked.He had met Natalie plenty of times and she was the last person he would ever wish to have joint custody with.After all, the first time he met her did not go all too well,she told him he was a typical rich,snobby,sarcastic,thinks-he's-better-than-everyone rock star.Since that day they tried their best to ignore each other as much as possible.
"Yes Mr.Way im very serious"
"Where is Angel at the moment?" Asked Gerard.
"She is in the Dreams orphanage at this present time.We are holding a meeting tomorrow morning at the orphanage which we would like you and Miss.Ashen to attend."
"It will be held at 9:00"
"Ok.thank you so much"
Gerard put the phone down wondering if what he just heard was all a dream or should he say nightmare.

***Next Morning***

***Natalie POV***

I still cant believe this is real.Why does Gerard have to be the god father?
I don't know if i could deal with that guy more than i have to.

I walked into the office of Dreams orphanage to find Gerard already sitting at the table with his head in his hands.
I coughed to let everyone know that i had entered.
Gerard lifted his head only to meet eyes with me.He looked like he had been up all night.
I glared at him and he did the same.

"Miss.Ashen there you are,welcome" interupted Roger Welles.
"Sorry im late" I replied.
"Not to worry.Me and Mr.Way were just discussing the arrangements for Angel"
"Me and the board from the orphanage feel it would be best for Angel to be around you both 24/7"
"I don't understand.I thought we would take turns in having Angel"
"Mr.Way was just saying the same thing.But we feel that with Angel growing up around two parents,it would be unfair and unsettling to move her around constantly"
"Look,Mr.Welles...Me and Mr.Way living together is not a very smart choice.Im sure he would agree with me on that a hundred percent" I replied looking at Gerard.
"Actually,Mr.Way has agreed to the boards decission,knowing it's in the best interest for Angel"
"Look Natalie.. You don't like me and i don't like you,I understand that,but i want whats best for Angel..and i know you do too" Said Gerard,finally saying something.
I just stared at him thinking it through.
"... Fine" I sighed.
" that you've both agreed to that,where will these living arangements be?" Asked Roger Welles.
"I only live in a one bedroom appartment" I replied.
"It's ok, my place is more than big enough for the three of us" Said Gerard.
I just glared at him.Of course his place is big enough,he's a big shot rock star.
"Is that ok with you Miss Ashen?" Asked Mr.Welles.
"Well it's not like i have a choice.." I Retorted.
"Oh here we go again,it's always about you.just get over it.Im not trying to flash at everyone that i have a big fansy house,im just doing what i can to help.stop being so fucking childish!" Spat Gerard.
"Im being childish?.. you're the one who never grew up.And how can you say you're not flashing your big fansy house with a sentence like..My place is more than big enough for the three of us...If thats not showing off then i don't know what you call it" I spat back.
"You're so fucking impossible" He sighed.
"You know Gerard,maybe you should look in the mirror once in a while"
"Thats enough both of you! If you're going to raise a child you need to stop acting like one!" Shouted Mr.Welles.
"Sorry.." Me and Gerard mumbled in unison.
"Now.. how about you and Mr.Way go and get Angel? And try to at least be adults around her" Suggested Mr.Welles.