Too blind to see it was you all along

Chapter 4

***Gerard's POV***

After shutting the door i walked down the hall towards my room.
I walked into my room and shut the door behind me, replaying the events a
few minutes ago in Natalie's room.
I couldn't understand why she snapped at me like that after the way she reacted towards the kiss. It's not like she tried to stop it from happening, she encouraged it just as much. It confused me, thinking of the way she responded to my touch, moaning in pleasure one minute and practically bitting my head off the next!
God i wish it didn't have to end!
Ok Gee, pull yourself together.. you hate eachother remember.
She made it pretty clear a couple of hundred times. Besides she's a bitch anyway, walking around telling me i think im better than everyone else, when clearly she's the most stuck up person i've ever met. Not that she'd ever admit to such a thing.
sighing in exaustion, i decided i should check on Angel.

I walked to Angel's room, slowely opening her door trying to block out the
creak. Gently closing it, i walked to the bed and quitely as possible sat on the edge.
I looked down at Angel with a smile on my face. She was so beautiful.
I couldn't imagine having a daughter and knowing that if something happened to me she would be all alone. This thought slowly destroyed my smile.
I would do everything i could to give Angel a happy life, even if this meant
living with Natalie. Angel was better than any daughter i could ever ask for
and i would cherish her forever.
I stroked her hair, hearing her light breathing.
I wonder what it would be like to have a family of my own one day...
I closed my eyes picturing myself with a daughter of my own and a beautiful wife.....
My eyes shot open in shock of what i had just seen in my head.
What the hell?!
I could swear the woman standing next to me looked just like.... Oh hell no!
What the fuck is wrong with me?!
I think i'm over tired... or maybe mentally ill.

The movement of the bed brought me out of my thoughts. I looked down to see Angel's eyes opening. She yawned and looked up at me. She had the sweetest bright blue eyes i had ever seen. This brought the smile back to my face.
"Gee.." She mumbled.
"Yeah honey it's me" I replied in a whisper.
"Why you smilin at me like dat?"
This made my smile even wider.
"Cause your so beautiful, and i was thinking how lucky i am to have you here
with me"
This made her giggle.
"You called me buetful" She giggled again.
"Well thats cause you are. You're my beautiful princess"
"And is you da hadsom pwince?" She asked.
This time i was the one giggling.
"I don't know so much about handsom but yes, i guess i could be your prince"
Her eyes lit up.
"Is i as pretty as Nats?" she asked.
Why do kids always ask these questions?
"Uh.. Well.. No..cause you're much prettier than Natalie" I struggled.
"I fink Nats is da prettiest girl eva" She exclaimed.
"That's sweet sugar, but you will always be my prettiest princess no matter what"
"Was you and Nats fighting earlier Gee?" She asked with a sad look in her eyes.
She heard that? Shit! Now i feel like an asshole.
"No honey we were just talking about some stuff, nothing to worry about kay?" came a voice from the door.
I turned around to see Natalie leaning against the door-frame.