Too blind to see it was you all along

Chapter 5

***Natalie's POV***

I walked to the bed and kneeled by her side, trying to ignore the look on Gerard's face. I lifted my hand to brush away the hair falling in Angel's face.
"But why was you talking so louwd?"
I didn't know what to say to this. I looked at Gerard, hoping he would help me out a little.
All i got was a cold glare.
"Well.. cause.. i kicked my toe and i was shouting a bit because it was really
sore" I said, hoping she would believe it.
She looked at me, then Gerard, and down at my toe. If it wasn't so serious i would have laughed at the way she inspected the scene.
"You should puts a bandage on you sorwe toe Nats" She stated in a motherly tone.
I couldn't help but smile at the comment. I heard Gerard snigger in the backround. I turned and glared at him. He coughed trying to cover it up.
What i wouldn't give for a baseball bat right now.
"And you must takes somefing for your coughs Gee" She lectured in the same motherly tone.
Gerard immediately stopped laughing and I took over.
Angel looked at me with a confused expression covering her face, making me stop my laughing in the backround.
"Don't worry sweety, I'll give Gee something to help him later ok?" I smirked.
I heard Gerard choke in the backround at my comment.
"Ok!" Angel replied with a grin.
"But It's very late so I think It's time for little girls to go to bed now" I said
leaning in to tickle her. She started giggling uncontrolably, kicking around in her bed. Gerard's face lit up and he made a grab for her legs, holding them down and tickling her feet.
"Noo!... Sto.. p.. noo..oo!" She shouted between giggles.
Me and Gerard stopped, feeling out of breath.I had to admit the smile on Gerard's face when he was with Angel was breath taking, It was a genuin
happy smile.
"Ok now it really is late" Stated Gerard, bending down to lay a kiss on her
forehead. As he removed his lips from her head to sit back up, Angel put her arms around Gerard's neck and pulled him back down, hugging him close.
It was an adorable picture from where I was sitting. I couldn't help but wish I had a family of my own at that moment.
Gerard giggled at her action, holding her tightly to him. Finally he let go and
raised his head a little, rubbing his nose against Angel's, earning one last
little giggle from her lips.
"Now get some sleep sugar" He whispered.
I leaned forward and gave her a hug, gently kissing her cheek.
"Love you lots hun. Sleep tight ok" I whispered in her ear.
She nodded and hugged me back. I got up and followed Gerard to the door.
"Night honey" I said from the door, followed by a
"Night sugar" from Gerard.
"Night" Angel whispered back.
I closed the door leaving it open just enough for light to shine through.
I turned around to face Gerard. Shit, now I have to deal with him.

***Gerard's POV***

She turned to face me with that cold glare of hers. Here we go.
I waited, knowing she was gonna try kill me with words any minute.
"Next time, keep your voice down while we argue. I don't want Angel knowing
that we can't stand eachother as much as we make known. It's not good for
her to hear all day" She snapped.
My mouth dropped. Why is it always my fault?
"What? My voice? Have you ever heard yourself during an argument?" I asked still not believing what she just said.
"Excuse me! How can you say that when you're just as much to blame for every argument, infact you're more to blame than anyone else around here, so don't start that shit with me" She fired back.
"Thats my point, you always seem to try and find a way to blame me for everything"
"Oh Gerard, I don't have to try"
Bitch! Im so tempted to do something I'll regret.
"Are you taking BITCH classes or does it just come naturally?"
"Fuck You!" She said with pure fire in her eyes.
"Maybe some other time sugar" I smirked, waching her fists clench in fury. I knew how badly she wanted to hit me at that moment.
"Your a bastard Gerard, you know that!....and you kn.." She shouted.
At that moment I remembered we were still standing outside Angel's room!
I grabbed Natalie's arm, pulling her into the room across from angel's. I held
firm on Natalie's arm and shut the door behind us.
"Let me go!.. Gerard.. let..go!" She screamed squirming out of my grip. I let go of her not wanting to make her scream any louder than she was, if that was
possible. What came next I was not prepared for. She raised her hand and it came in contact with the side of my face.
"Shit woman! That trick is getting a bit old! Fuck!" I wimpered in pain. She hits
damn hard!
"Well it seems to work pretty well for me" She smirked.
"It would, you're not the one with red hand marks on your face!" I glared.
"Stop complaining. At least I hit the other side this time"
If she hit any harder, I would have lost conciousness. I held the side of my face, closing my eyes in pain. When i opened them again Natalie was watching me but the smirk had dissapeared. Is that concern I see on her face? I moved my hand away from my face and Natalie's eyes doubled in size. Now what?
She quickly walked up to me and lifted her hand towards my face.
"No way!.. Don't even try that again!" I shouted, jumping far away from her reach as possible.
"Im not going to hit you again Gerard. Well at least not now" She said, lifting her hand once again. I tried to jerk away from her but she grabbed my face between her hands.
"Hold still" She complained.
She rubbed her thumb against my cheek and I cringed from the burning. she took her hand away and I noticed blood on her thumb. Holy shit, how hard did she hit me?
"Oh god, Gerard Im so sorry. My ring must have cut you" She trembled.
"Here let me clean it up for you" She said leading me to the bathroom, connected to that room.
"Sit" She ordered, pointing to the toilet seat.
I was speechless but did what she told me. She was actually being nice. I thought I could find a way to get her to be kind towards me, but funny enough, I don't think getting slapped across the face every time I want her to be civilized with me is what I had in mind.
She got a bottle and a cloth out from the bathroom cupboard. Sitting on the bath edge across from me, she poured some of the botte's contents on the cloth and gently held it against my cheek.
"Shit!" I flinched.
"Sorry.. I forgot to mention it might burn" She apologized.
She really did feel bad about this.
I looked up and noticed her bitting her lip with an intense look in her eyes. This made me smile. She stopped, noticing my smile.
"What?.." She asked slowly starting to grin herself.
I shook my head and just stared at her bitting her lip. I lifted my hand to her chin and slowly rubbed my thumb against her bottom lip. She stopped bitting it and looked into my eyes.
God she's beautiful!
I don't know what came over me at that moment but I couldn't help myself. I leaned towards her and gently placed my lips to hers. I freezed in that position hoping she wouldn't freak out and slap me again. To my amazement
she closed her eyes, dropping the cloth, she wrapped her arms around my neck. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip. She slowly opened her mouth and
I took the opportunity to slip my tongue in. She lifted her hands and tugged at my hair, making me moan louder than i expected. This must have given her confidence cause after that she let her hand wonder, very slow and torturing I might add. Running her hand from my neck, gently over my chest and kept going lower until she was rubbing my lower stomach above my belt buckle
and slipped her hand under my shirt.
She was driving me crazy.
I nibbled her bottom lip and I slid my hands down her sides, starting from her shoulders. My hands found her hips and I lifted her onto my lap. She moaned, feeling the way my body was responding through my jeans. This made her move against me in a grinding movement. Shit! She's killing me here!
I quickly pulled away from her, afraid that if I didn't we might do something she'll regret later.