Too blind to see it was you all along

Chapter 7

***Natalie’s POV***

I woke up to stare straight into two little blue eyes.
“Morneen Nats.” Angel said grinning.
“Ugh.. morning hunnybun.” I said trying to open my eyes fully.
“What aw we haveen for bweakfast?” Angel asked with a questioning glance.
“That all depends. What would you like for breakfast hun?”
“Uhm…” Angel paused looking extremely thoughtful about this.
“Can we av pancakes?” She asked, her eyes suddenly glowing.
“We sure can!” I said jumping up and tickling her.
Angel giggled uncontrollably and freed herself. She started jumping on the bed yelling how much she loves pancakes.
“Ok sweetie pie. Lets go downstairs.” I announced.
“Yay, pancakes!”
I smiled at how excited she sounded. It felt good to see her happy, making me feel like I’m doing something right in life.
I watched Angel climb off the bed. She was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. Her past shoulder length brown hair. Her bright ocean blue eyes lighting up from excitement. The little dimples in her cheeks every time she smiled.
She was everything I ever imagined in my own daughter.
I stopped at that thought. ‘What am I saying?’ ‘Angel is my daughter now.
I would do everything I possibly could for her and make her feel like nothing less than my daughter’. I love this little girl with all my heart and nothing will change that.
I smiled proudly at Angel as she skipped down the hall.
Following her downstairs, I stopped her when we got to the lounge.
“Sweetie, why don’t you watch some cartoons while I make you some pancakes?”
“Okay!” She said, liking the idea.
I put the T.V on and changed the channel to cartoons, while Angel tried climbing on the big black couch. Seeing she was struggling, I walked towards her and lifted her onto the chair.
“There you go hunnybun.”
“Tank you Nats.” She said giving me a toothy grin.
“Pleasure, baby.” I said, combing my hand through her hair.
I walked to into the kitchen and started gathering all the ingredients for pancakes