Too blind to see it was you all along

Chapter 8

***Gerard’s POV***

I woke to the sound of Angel laughing down the hall. Opening my eyes fully, I sat up. Listening carefully, I got up and leaned outside my door to see where it was coming from.
Natalie’s room. Of course, where else?
I yawned and stretched. Looking at the clock beside my bed, I realized it was pretty late. Oh well… better get dressed and see what’s going on.
I slipped a black T-shirt on. I was still wearing my black pajama pants with bats on. Yeah I know… I’m a thirty year old man wearing my bat covered pajama pants around the house, but hey.
I left my room and made my way to the lounge. On the big couch was Angel sitting, rather involved in the T.V might I add.
“Hey sugar.” I said softly, combing my hand through her hair.
“Gee!” She shouted, glad to see me obviously. She jumped up on the couch and threw her arms around my neck.
I laughed and hugged her tightly against me. God I loved this child.
I was soon distracted by the sound of the mixer going in the kitchen. I thought I heard something in there.
Kissing Angel on the forehead, I made my way to the kitchen.
The sight that greeted me at that moment, made me catch my breath.
Leaning over the counter was Natalie adding ingredients into a bowl, with flour all over her nose. She was still in her pajamas, which consisted of, a black strap top and red silk boxers. She looked so beautiful. Not a single layer of make-up on her face… except for the flour on her nose. This made me giggle.
She went still and spun around to face me. Looking down at what she was wearing, she turned a shade of pink and bit her lip.
“I didn’t know you were awake.” She said slightly embarrassed.
“I woke up when you and Angel were laughing in the room.” I replied.
“We didn’t mean to wake you. I’m sorry about that.” She said politely.
“Don’t be. It didn’t wake me.” I said with a small smile.
She nodded and averted her eyes around the room. She always does that when she’s nervous, I noted with a grin.
There was an awkward silence, which caused me to stare at her, once again spotting the flour on her nose.
I couldn’t resist. Walking towards her, she looked up suddenly and went very still as my hand reached up to her nose and gently wiped the flour off. I looked up into her eyes to find her staring back. I could have stood their staring in her eyes all day. She was really the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I can’t believe it took me that long to admit it.
My breathing started to get faster.
I think Natalie noticed this, cause at that moment she licked her lips and looked back and forth from my eyes to my mouth.
I wanted to kiss her so badly that I felt like I was going to go crazy if I didn’t.
Wait, I can’t. I don’t want her to be pissed at me. For some reason I couldn’t make out why, I didn’t want to kiss her unless she wanted me too and the thought of her hating me right now was too much to handle.
Finally listening to my conscience I turned my head to the side and looked at the floor.