Status: Active! Comments, please!

Love + Hate = Chaos

Just Friends

We walked around the stores for a little while more. We left with a bunch of bags.

"I saw you with a certain guy named Evander?" Ebony asked.
"Yeah, he says he wants to be friends," I said.
"Are you sure he's telling the truth?" Hazel asked, looking at me with her eyes full of disbelief.
"Yeah," I said.

I hope he's telling the truth.

I got home, after dropping Ebony and Hazel off.

Hazel's words kept repeating in my mind.

"Are you sure he's telling the truth?"

He has to be, he can't lie to me. Can he?

What do you think? He can lie to you whenever he wants.
He said he was sorry. He's not lying.

The angel and devil inside of me were still fighting, when my phone rang.

I looked at the number, but I didn't recognize it.

"Hello," I said.
"Hi," He said.
"Evander?" I asked.
"Yeah," He said.
"How did you get my number?" I asked.
"Your mom gave it to me."
"Oh. So, what's up?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner?"
"Great! I'll pick you up at 8."
"Okay. Bye,"
"Wait. Should I dress casual or dressy?"
"Whatever you want,"
"Evander please. Don't use too much money on me,"
"Okay, bye!" He yelled.
"Bye," I said, and hung up the phone.

I immediately called Ebony and Hazel, and told them to come over.

"What's up?" Ebony asked.
"I'm going on a date," I said.
"With who?" Ebony asked.
"Evander," I answered.

Ebony squealed, but Hazel looked like she didn't approve.

"We have to get you ready!" Ebony said, and dragged me to my room.

[The outfit she wore is in Author's Notes]

"How do I look?" I asked.
"Perfect," Ebony and Hazel said, at the same time.

The doorbell rang and I opened it, to find Evander standing there looking handsome, in just a shirt and jeans.

"You look great," He said, and I blushed.
"Thanks," I said and we left.
"Bring her home my midnight!" I heard Ebony yell after me.

Evander and me laughed at her. We got into his car and drove away.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is what she wore.
More Awesome People!
Let's list them shall we?
LivingForThem, JohnnyCash, RavenEffectFan1, erinx3, XlooseXyourselfX, Scene_EmoGirl, and K_atie.
Hopefully I didn't forget anyone... Sorry if I did! Forgive me!
I have to catch up on school stuff now... I'm a procrastinator....