Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


"No! Westley!!!" I sobbed to the television screen. I was always a sucker for tears whenever I watched The Princess Bride. It was something I could laugh at while awing about the romance between Buttercup and Westley. Hm. Why can't my love life be like that? Well, other than the leaving-then-disappearing-after-how-many-years-then-come-back-disguised-as-someone-completely-else situation. I can probably live without that part.

I slipped off my black hoodie and fixed the leery pipes (yes, I actually know what those are. Which, by the way, are the little tassel things on hoodies and other shit with strings) on my The Maine booty shorts.

What? I've been inside the house for over twenty-four hours. There is no need for me to be dressed up just so my walls can admire my sense of fashion.

My door swung open again. Damn my dim lights preventing me from seeing new random people in the doorway. I sat upright while wiping the minuscule drop of tears on my cheeks, "Who's there?"

Someone chuckled. As the lights flickered on and my eyes adjusted, the red hair came into view.

I raised my eyebrows, "Wha--Nick?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, Katrina kind of let me in before she left."

"How come you're not at John's party?" I squirmed in my seat on my bed.

He smiled, "Well, Katrina called John and told him that you wouldn't be able to make it because you didn't feel well. So I thought I'd drop by to see if you were alright."

I shied away as my blushing smile came into view, "That's sweet, but really I'm fine."

"Uhm," he motioned towards the edge of my bed. "Can I sit down?"

I chuckled, "Go for it."

Nick smiled and sat down at the edge of my bed. He laughed, "Nice shorts."

Oh. Boy. Maybe it would have have helped me if I had ample warning so I could change. I laughed nervously, "Thanks." Well. This is, uh... Embarrassing.

"So, what are you doing in here?" He picked up the DVD cases at the foot of the bed.

"Just watching some old movies." I shrugged.

He smiled and held up the case, "The Princess Bride?"

"What? It's a classic."

He shrugged, "I just thought that I'd never see anybody else who still even remembers what the basic story line is."

I chuckled, "Well, after you watch it the first time, it's kind of hard to forget."

Can you believe this? We actually just sat there and talked at, like, seven, close to when I should be going to sleep if I still had any hopes of getting any taller. It was amazing that we were able to even carry on a conversation let alone start one just from him seeing the cover of an old movie I was watching. Our discussion topics went from The Princess Bride to our favorite fairy tales to dreams to break ups to the perfect relationship then to where we are right now. The ideal love.

"What?" Nick laughed. "What's wrong with wanting the girl to have a cute laugh?"

I laughed then smirked, "Oh, come on! So, if the girl snorts, she's instantly turned down?"

He shrugged, "I don't know."

I giggled, "Well, what if I snorted? Would I be hideous to you? Would you not want to kiss me anymore because of my horrid snort?"

He raised his eyebrow, "Well, then that all depends."

"Oh, yeah? On what?" I questioned him.

He thought about it, "On whether you're cute, which you are, if we still have a lot in common, which we do, and..." He paused.

"And what?"

"And if I really liked you a lot."

I shied away from his eyes.

He chuckled, "Is that a good enough answer?"

I chuckled to myself. I guess it's just in my nature to want to push people to there limits without making them completely mad.

"What?" He asked.

Without warning to him at all, I let out a little pig snort. "Am I disgusting now?" I laughed.

He joined laughing with me, "Not at all. That was cute."

My cheeks flushed. I twirled a lock of his hair with my index finger. I scooted closer to him. My eyes scanned his face for any sign of soon to come laughter from a possible lie. "So, if I did that constantly, would you still want to kiss me?" I whispered.

He pushed the stray strands of hair out of my face and set his hand on my cheek as his smiled slowly faded. His perfect features were dangerously close to me. "Yes," he whispered back.

Our lips barely scraped up against each other. My heart rate picked up. "Then do it." I challenged.

His lips touched mine softly. It lingered there for only a moment. It was only a matter of seconds before I gave in to my own subliminal temptation. I pulled him back into another kiss, tangling my fingers in his hair as I did. He slipped off his hoodie. His hands held on to my waist.

I couldn't breathe. He kissed the base of my neck. I knew I had to stop myself before this got out of hand. But I couldn't.

My arms wrapped themselves around his neck, urging him to come even closer than he already was. I'm helpless to him.

The door swung open, "Hey, Am, are you feeling... better." Katrina, John, Andy, and Katie stared at us with wide eyes.

I let go of Nick and pushed myself back. I scanned the room. Katrina looked at me in shock. I jumped out of my bed.

"Excuse me," I could feel my hand slip out of Nick's grip. I pushed past the others. My feet carried me to the bathroom. The surrounding walls shook after I slammed the door behind me.

My hand went to my mouth as if my lips were stinging. I slid to the floor beside the door. I hugged my knees to my chest.

The walls started to vibrate. Someone started to knock on the door, "Amory? Please, let me in." Nick called to me through the plaster.

I don't know why, if that makes any sense at all, I started to cry after he said that. I stared at the door through salt water. I tucked my long hair behind my ears.

The door shook again, "Amory, please. I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. But please, just open the door."

I continued to hold my blank stare on the door knob. It didn't move as I expected it to.

Another knock came, "Sweetie? Amory, it's Katrina. Please, just open the door."

I took a deep breath and stood up. My legs felt sore. My stomach was uneasy. I turned the handle on the door, only to look through.

Katrina and Katie looked back at me, "Are you ohkay?" Katrina tried to push the door further open.

"W-Where's Nick?" I stuttered through sniffles.

She sighed, "We convinced John and Andy to take him home."

I backed up. My eyes started to water again. "I am so stupid." I slid to the floor once more.

They sat on either side of me and rubbed my back comfortably, "Hun, what's wrong?" Katie asked quietly.

I sniffled and looked straight ahead, "I've broken it." I said quietly.


"My own promise."

"Sweetie, what are you talking about?" Katrina tried to call my attention.

I covered my face with my hands, "The vow I made ten years ago--" I sniffled. "I swore to myself that would never fall in love."

They waited for me to continue.

"I've just broken it."
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