Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker

Car Rides

"The lights out, I still hear the rain. These images that fill my head, Now keep my fingers from making mistakes, Tell my voice what it takes, To speak up, Speak up, and keep my conscience clear when I wake. Don't make this easy, I want you to mean it, Jasey. (say you mean it) You're dressed to kill, I'm calling you out, (don't waste your time on me)."

"I can't stand this anymore," Katrina walked over to my stereo and wound the knob down all the way.

I sat up, "Hey! What gives?"

She rolled her eyes, "You have been listening to that same All Time Low CD for the past three days!"

I scratched my head, "It's been three days? Since when?"

She groaned, "Uh, since John's birthday party. No wonder you haven't noticed. You've been cooped up in here the entire time with the blinds shut and everything." She pushed apart the curtains.

I covered my eyes with my hand, "Can you close those?"

"No." She said sternly. "You are going to get out of this house and get some coffee, ohkay?"


"Because staying in doors for over twenty-four hours screws around with your head." She walked over to my door. "Get dressed."

"Ugh," I flopped back onto my bed. "Hopeless."

"Yes, you are!"

"Shut up!" I yelled through the wall. I hit my head up against the plaster. "Ow." I caressed the bump and got out of bed.

I sighed. I really didn't feel like getting up. All I wanted to do was start playing my CD again and go back to sleep. I looked back to my stack of CDs. Shoot. One was out of place.

I picked up the brown case and studied it. I opened my door, "Katrina! What is this?"

She walked over to me and looked at it, "Oh, John told me to give that to you. He said it just came out and that you might like it."

"What is it?"

She shrugged, "I didn't listen to it."

The cover read A Rocket to the Moon. I looked at it and shrugged myself. I walked back to my stereo and popped the disk in.

The beginning was unfamiliar to me.

"Talk to me, I'm torn. I could get lost in a voice like yours. Tell me if I'm wrong or right. Tell I could stay tonight. Its in the way that you fool everyone. When you're fallin' in love again. So tell me how this ends. 'Cause no one knows you like I do. They don't see you like I do, baby. They'll try to, but if only they knew. They'll never come close to you."

I smiled to myself. The lyrics were nice. I flipped to the back of the CD.

Written by Nick Santino.

I dropped the case to the ground. It glared at me from the floor. I ran to my closet and picked out my purple and white baseball cut T-shirt, my dark blue skinny jeans, and my black and brown Converses.

I ejected the CD and put it back in its place. I picked up the case and ran over to Katrina. She jumped as I slammed it on the table, "Your boyfriend will be the death of me."

She chuckled, "What are you talking about?"

I flipped over the CD and pointed to where Nick's name was printed.

She raised one eyebrow, "Oh."

"Why didn't you tell me that this was Nick's band?"

She shrugged, "Didn't know myself."

I rolled my eyes, "I'll see you later."

I slammed the door behind me. My car glared at me as I walked past it. I really didn't feel like driving today. I think I'll just walk.

People on the sidewalk stared at me. I clutched my purse to my body as I slipped the CD inside.

A car zoomed past me. It backed up then stopped right to my side. I knew the car all too well.

Garrett rolled down his window and smirked, "Want a ride?"

I rolled my eyes, "Is Rachael there with you?"

He leaned back revealing Rachael, Gabi, and Kennedy. They all smiled and waved. He chuckled, "We're going to Chipotle to meet a couple of people."

I sighed, "Scoot over."

Gabi opened her door and slid down one seat. As the car started rolling, Rachael looked back at me, "Why the long face, Am?"

I shrugged, "No reason."

Gabi chuckled, "Liar."

I set my head on the head rest, "Ask Rachael."

"Ah," Rachael articulated. "Nick."

Gabi raised her eyebrows. "Nick Santino?"

Kennedy laughed, "Is that what this is all about? What happened, what, like, three days ago?"

Gabi slapped his hand, "Don't make her feel worse!"

I rolled my eyes, "It's ohkay. It was bound to happen anyway."

"What was?"

I gave Rachael a look.

"Oh, boy."