Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


"You WHAT?!?" Gabi and Rachael screamed simultaneously.

I stared at them innocently.

Garrett looked at Kennedy. He scratched his head, "Maybe it's just because we're guys, but we don't see why this is such a big deal."

Rachael turned her stare to him and narrowed her eyes, "Are you saying that you and Kennedy are both completely ignorant or that that's how all guys act?"

He scratched his nose, "Um."

She rolled her eyes, "I take that as all guys act like that."

I sank down in my seat as our order was called. Garrett stood up to get our food.

Gabi leaned closer to me, "So you seriously think that you love Nick?"

I shrugged, "I really don't know. I mean, I wouldn't anyway. It's kind of new to me."

Rachael chuckled, "Amazing how inexperienced matchmakers can be."

I stuck my tongue out at her, "I am not inexperienced. Just possibly in denial."

"Incredibly in denial." Rachael added.

"Shut up." I glared.

Just as Garrett came back with our orders, the door opened. A warm, familiar smile flashed towards me.

I ran, "Justin!" I tackled him in a hug.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead, "It's good to see you, too, Amory."

John and Katrina walked up behind him. "What?!? I am your favorite guy friend and Justin gets his hug first?!? That's bogus!" John pouted.

I laughed and walked up to him with open arms. Right as he opened his, Katrina cut in front of him, "Intercepted!"

I shrugged, "Ohkay, then." I smiled then hugged her.

"Not fair!!!" John still pouted.

Katrina stuck her tongue out at him, "Roommates and/or best friends before guy friends."

I smiled and gave John a tight hug. "Feel better now?"

"Very much so." He smiled happily.

"Good," I threw my fist into his stomach. "How could you give me the CD to Nick's band?!?"

He bent over, "Fuck! You have a mean punch!"

I rolled my eyes, "Thank you. Now answer my question."

He let out a sharp breath, "Technically, Katrina gave it to you."

Katrina hit him on the back of the head, "Don't throw me under the spotlight!"

John rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry, alright? Nick asked me to!"

"That's no excuse!"

"Yes, it is!"

"Hey, guys."

We all turned around to take even the slightest notice of the third party. I could feel the temperature of the entire vicinity go up at least three notches. Needless to say, I wish I wasn't here.

I shot a nervous look to Rachael and Gabi. They stared at me with wide eyes. Garrett stopped mid-bite to try and figure out what just happened.

"Hey, Nick." Kennedy said with a full mouth.

"I didn't do it!" Rachael, Gabi, and Katrina yelled simultaneously.

Nick grabbed my hand, "Can I talk to you outside for a second?"

I sighed, "I guess."

I followed Nick outside to the parking lot.

He sighed, "I am really sorry about what happened, but--"

"But what?" I could hear the sharpness in my voice.

"But I didn't mean to." He said quietly.

I shook it off, "Whatever."

He took my hand again, "What is your problem, Amory? I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am."

"I don't have a problem!" Ohkay, so maybe I did have a problem. But I can't exactly say what it is, to say the least.

"It sure seems like you do!" He backfired.

"Can I just go now?" I wanted to get of my position as soon as possible.

"If you think you know everything, you don't." He said just as I started to walk away.

"Excuse me?"

"You are so ignorant! Can't you see what I'm trying to tell you! You sit in your bedroom all aloe trying to figure out what my stupid songs are about when you don't even realize they're about you."

"I am not ignorant! If anything, you should slow down enough to see what you're doing to me! You kiss me, then you say gotcha, and it's like it never happened at all! Then you come over to my house and--"

"I'm sorry!"

"Stop apologizing, dammit!" I started to pace.

"You can't make everything better just by walking away."

"Watch me."

"That can't solve all your problems though. If you would just practice what you preach--"

"Practice what I preach? Are you kidding me?"

"Well, you push people to fall in love, but you won't even do it yourself!"

"I don't push them! I just know who is best for them!"

"And how would you know that?"

"Because I'm the best at it." I said simply though it sounded very big-headed for me.

He moved closer to me. His eyes pierced my skin, "You really think you can do everything better?"

"Maybe I do." Ohkay, I don't know what I'm saying now.

"Then do this for me. I'm sure you'll break before you even get close."

"Name it."

From my perspective there was only about four inches between our eyes. Mine shifted between his.

"Break my heart."


I turned my heel, whipping my hair in his face.

Maybe this was for the best. He was asking for it. And if this will get rid of my problems, then I will happily oblige.
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Ooooh. Climax :P