Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


I sat down at my armoire, scribbling little hearts in my notebook while Katrina straightened my hair. I'd do it myself, but she's way better at it. And believe me, I needed to look my best tonight if I was going to pull this off.

My gut told me I shouldn't do this. My heart is too confused to say anything. And my brain, well, it just keeps telling me to break Nick's heart so everything can go back to normal and as it should have been before he ever got here.

"All finished!" Katrina turned off the straightener and set it down beside me. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I sighed and studied my hair. I swept it to the side so that it hung on my right shoulder, "Positive." I tilted my head to the side. My reflection stared back at me with an expressionless face. I let out a nervous breath as I stood up, cautious of where I was stepping so I wouldn't trip. "Do you think I can do this?" I said as I look down to my black low-top Converses that seemed to go so well with my sweater dress with black tights.

She lifted the corner of her lip and started to fix the tiny imperfections of my hair, "Of course you can. Sweep Nick off his feet. Let him envy what he can't have."

I laughed once silently.

Ding dong!

She laid down one stray hair on the side of my face, "They're here!" She ran to the door. "Hey, Eric!" She smiled then welcomed him in.

"Hey, Katrina," he smiled as he stepped inside.

John came in after him, "Hey, babe."

Katrina giggled as he kissed her neck sweetly.

"Where's Amory?" Eric asked.

"Over here," I stepped out of the dark hallway as I fixed whatever little mistakes were left on my ensemble. I smiled to him slightly.

"You ready?" He questioned as he grabbed my hand.

I waited for something. Anything to happen when his skin touched mine. And yet, no response. No sparks. No numbing sensation. Nothing. Not like when Nick held my hand. It was just different than what I expected I suppose.

I sighed then nodded, "Most definitely."

The car ride was nothing short of awkward. Not that I could complain. I needed the quiet after those three days of nothing but blasting music while drenching myself in my own depression and/or my denial state of mind that seemed to not affect me at all.

I let 6 Months by Hey Monday play in the back of my mind as Katrina and John started to look at each other with love and yearn in their eyes. The further the song continued, the more I wanted to be able to do that, what Katrina and John were able to do. To just look into each other's eyes without having to worry about what people think and if they're staring. They wanted that. They wanted people to be jealous of what they have because no one would ever feel the same. I think that's all I ever really wanted. Maybe. I'm not sure anymore.

The car came to a halt. John unbuckled himself and stepped outside to open Katrina's door. Eric did the same. I held his hand again with a numb posture.

Tim smiled as he opened the door, "Johnohh! Hurricane Halvo!"

John and Eric laughed at the shouting of their nicknames, "What's up, Tim?"

"Come on in," he welcomed.

Ashley, Tim's girlfriend, and Mel, Ashley's twin ran up to us with open arms, "Amory! Katrina!"

I hugged Ashley tightly, "Hey, Ash."

"You still feeling out of it, hun?" She asked with a worried face.

I smiled slightly and shook my head, "I'm fine. Don't mind me."

She smiled, "Well, Rachael, Gabi, and the others are in the kitchen. And some of the guys are in the living room. Go mingle."

I laughed, "Alright."

Gabi and Rachael were laughing with their hearts wrapped around their waists. By their hearts, I mean Garrett and Kennedy. Seeing them together always made me smile for some reason. It couldn't be helped. It was just sweet to see them express their feelings for each other. My envy won't show for the life of me.

Gabi smiled when she saw me, "Am! You made it!"

I chuckled as she hugged me, "Well, I decided that I needed to get out."

"Good. You did need it."

I stuck my tongue out at her, "How is everything."

She shrugged, "Bland beyond belief."

I laughed, "That bad?"

"Well, you know. Updating Tumblr, watching the guys practice, visting the family... It gets old after the second cycle." She sighed.

"I've just been cooped up, but you already know that," I smirked.

She laughed while nodding, "Are you here by yourself?"

I shook my head, "Eric brought me."

"Eric?" She raised her eyebrows. "Halvorsen? As in Eric Havlorsen, Nick's friend?"


"Are you nuts?!?"

"Why does everyone keep saying that about me?"

"Are you trying to crush Nick?!?" She ignored my question.

"Maybe I am," I grabbed a soda from the fridge.

"Wait, what?"

"Maybe I am trying to break Nick's heart."

Rachael took off from Garrett's grip around her waist, "Say what now?!?"

I rolled my eyes.

Gabi's jaw dropped, "Slap her, Rach! She's gone crazy!"

"Ugh," I hung my head back.

Tim ran into the kitchen, "Hey, guys. We got the guitar out. Come join us." He smiled.

I quickly followed after him.

Everyone sat in a bunch around the living room. John and Katrina had their hands entwined as they looked at each other with dazed smiles.

I couldn't help but to roll my eyes and smile at their public display of affection. I thought it was exceedingly sweet to say to least. And yet there was always that one thing that upset you at every single party. That one thing for me just happened to have his arms around a pale blond who looked like she was trying too hard to laugh while they were talking to Eric.

Once I calmed myself down enough, I walked over to Nick and the rest, trying to keep my composure as I did. I linked my arm around Eric's and smiled, "Hey, Eric." Convincing enough?

Eric returned the smile, "Hey, Amory."

The smile instantly dropped from Nick's face, "You two are together?"

I shrugged, "For the time being."

Eric whispered into my ear, "Told you he'd be mad."

I chuckled. "Told you not to mind him," I whispered back.

He smirked.

I batted my eyelashes innocently.

"Ow!" The blond girl suddenly said. She caressed her hand.

"Sorry," Nick sighed. He gave me one last sympathetic look then turned his heel. From the looks and sounds of it, he left the house. The house shook from him slamming the door.

Eric raised his eyebrows, "Well, that ruined the entire purpose of this party." He added a tiny laugh after he finished.

"What are you talking about?"

"I thought you knew?"

"Apparently not." I shook my head.

"This is Nick's going away party. He's leaving to go back to Massachusetts tomorrow afternoon."

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