Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


"What are you talking about?" I asked still in disbelief,

"Yeah, Tim didn't tell you?" Eric asked.

I shook my head and turn my direction to Katrina. She looked back to me with a smile. I slowly faded as she began to read my expression. I can tell you right now that it wasn't that comforting. "No. He didn't tell me."

Eric sighed.

I knew what I had to do, "I'm sorry, Eric. I have to--"

"I'll give you a ride." He smiled.


He shrugged, "Nick's my friend. I know how he feels. You two really need to talk. You know, sort things out. There's too much tension as it is."

I smiled slightly, "Thanks. I owe you one."

"No problem." He grabbed my hand, "We need to go now."

As I stepped out of Eric's car and onto the winding driveway, a strong gust of wind and rain hit my face. Go figure that it rains the night I discover that Nick is leaving. It's another one of those hideous strokes of faith that just had to come at the most inappropriate time. I let out a frustrated sigh, "Thanks!"

"Call me when you need a ride home!" Eric yelled over the roar of the rain.

"You go back to the party and have fun; I'll get a ride!"

I watched as he drove away. My feet quickly responded as the rain started to seep through my jacket and into my cardigan. I ran up to the burgundy door and knocked on it with a shaking hand. The door opened slowly.

I pulled my jacket closer to my skin, hopefully cloaking my already freezing and shivering body.

Nick's face came into view. I held my breath. He sighed, "Was Hotel Nine full or did you and Eric just want to start making out in front of me?"

I steadied my teeth from chattering before I spoke, "No. Eric just dropped me off.""

He scoffed, "Who'd you bring now? Justin? Or was John too busy cuddling with Katrina to--"

"Will you shut up and let me finish!" I yelled over him.

He folded his arms across his chest, "I'm listening."

I ran my fingers through my rain-drenched hair, "Can I come inside first?"

He lowered hisglare stare to the ground and stepped aside. I shrugged off my jacket, wearily avoiding any physical contact. My eyes flashed up to him, "I d-don't have any feelings for Eric."

No response.

"And I wouldn't have pushed it any further if I hadn't seen you with that girl because I assumed the wrong thing. I made an ass out of myself. And I'm sorry--"

Nick threw himself at me, interrupting my poorly planned out sentiment.

He kissed me hungrily, placing his hands on my waist as he pinned me against the nearest wall.

I tangled my fingers in his hair, further closing the gap between us.

We couldn't stop.

And I didn't want him to.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is short.