Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


"All you need is love..."


"Why that one?"

Nick chuckled, "I don't know. I just really like that saying."

I sighed up against his bare chest and closed my eyes. After about a second or two, I opened them again. My fingers started to trace the outline of the phrase that was tattooed across Nick's skin. All you need is love...

Nick stroked my hair with his free hand. Our bodies seemed to fit together perfectly. I hugged him closer underneath the comforter. "Tell me why I can't stop looking at you." He whispered.

I giggled, "As if I have a reason for that."

He laughed and kissed my hair, "Maybe it's just human nature."

"What is?"

"For you to naturally look at the brightest thing in the room." He said quietly.

I stroked his cheek, "Why do you have to leave?"

He repositioned himself, "This was only a vacation, a visit. Now that I've saved up enough money to go back home, I have to. I promised myself that I would."

"Why can't you just stay? Even if for just a little while longer?" I looked up at him, my arms still wrapped around his waist. His skin was warm.

"Tell me something, then I'll stay." He wrapped his arms around me.


"Do you love me?"

In that very instant, my heart seemed to stop. My body tensed up, and he knew it. I sat upright, clutching the covers to my bodice. The goosebumps suddenly formed on my skin.

He followed after me, "What's wrong?"

"I--I have to go." I swung my feet off the side of the bed and ran to my clothes on the floor.

He grabbed my arm just as I got a grip on my sweater dress. "Wait! Why are you leaving?"

I stood up. He was using my own questions on me. I ran my fingers through my hair and shook me head, "Just let me go."

"Can't you just stay so we can talk?"

I shook my head, "I have to go."

"Wait, j-just a second--" He released the grip on my hand and ran over to his suitcase, still with the sheets tied around his waist.

I finished putting on the rest of my clothes, "I can't--"

He sighed and handed me a small bundle. "I forgot to give this to you."

I grabbed it from his hands and unfolded it. It took me a matter of three seconds before I realize that it was the black blazer that I wore to the airport when I first met him. I guess I had forgotten it in his suitcase when he asked me if I felt uncomfortable with him. How ironic that I get it back now of all times. I sighed, "Thanks."

He scratched the back of his head, "I meant to give it to you a while ago, but we always seemed to--"

"Get caught in the moment." I said quietly.


I bit my lip, "I really need to go."

"At least let me give you a ride home--"

"No. I'm fine. I'll walk home." I said abruptly. "I'll see you tomorrow." I started to walk away.

"No, you won't I'll be out of here by eleven."

I looked back to him. The tattoos that streamed across his body caught my stare. I tore away, "Goodbye then."

I ran out of his house with my purse and my blazer in hand. I took out my phone and dialed Katrina's number. The ringing seemed to start a headache at the front of my mind.


"Katrina, it's me, Amory." I sniffled.

"Obviously. I can see the caller ID... Are you crying? Where are you?"

"I'm at Justin's house. Can you pick me up? You can just drop me off at the house and go back to the party--"

"I'll be right there. Don't worry, I'll stay home with you to make sure you're alright. Wait for me down the street, ohkay?"

I nodded to myself then realized she couldn't see me, "Ohkay." I hung up my phone and headed down the street.