Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


I'm sure that faint echoes of my sobs could be heard next door. From the current situation, you'd think that my insides had been completely replaced with metal plumbing and an endless supply of saltwater that was now causing me to soak Katrina's shirt until my system ran dry.

Every so often the front door would open, revealing another one of my sympathetic friends who seemed to put the pieces together and suddenly realize why Katrina left like she did. Before I knew it, Gabi, Rachael, and Katie were all here, trying to comfort me.

Once the water works ended, I had nothing to say except for, "I'm going to bed." I stood up while they stayed on the floor.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" Gabi asked, clearly scared about what I would do if I locked my bedroom door. She attempted to stand up.

I shook my head and motioned for her to sit down, "Go home, you guys."

Rachael furrowed her eyebrows in frustration, "Come on, Am, you need to vent--"

I held up my hand to stop her, "No, Ray. Go home. Be happy with Garrett."

She shrank back in her seat on the carpet.

"Laugh with Kennedy."

Gabi frowned to herself.

"Have fun with Andy."

Katie sighed.

I looked at Katrina who was sitting on the couch, "Hold on to John."

"Am, you really should talk about it--"

"And leave me alone."

They all looked up at me with big eyes.

"I'm done." I said simply with a small shrug. "I have nothing else to do, nothing else to say. I've got nothing."

"That is not true, Amory, and you know it." Katie reassured me.

"How would I?" My voice cracked.

"She's right, Am. You have us." Rachael smiled slightly.

"If anything, we're all you need." Katrina stood up to face me. "Like you said, you don't need a guy to make you happy. You don't need Nick."

My eyes swelled with more salt water, "You don't kn-know that."

"No. I don't." She sighed. "But if he can't hold your heart, then he doesn't deserve it."

"What if he still has it?" I bit my lip.

"Then go after him." Gabi stood up next to Katrina.

"Tell him how you feel." Rachael and Katie followed.

"You know it's not that easy." I whispered. I headed over to my room.

"Amory, come on--"

"Like I said earlier, leave me alone."
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Short filler.