Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker




"Nick is leaving today?"


You'd think that from my hints that I really didn't want to talk about anything at the moment. But Katrina is very persistent. You get used to it. It comes in handy some days. Others, it's just pointless to even try if I don't have my mind set on anything.

So, here I sit at the breakfast table, wearing a light blue tank top, my skinny jeans, and my black vans. According to the weatherman, it's really sunny today. But to me, it's everything but. My hair swung down to one side of my face as I mindlessly pushed around my cereal in a little green ceramic bowl.

Katie left early with Andy because he's going on tour again. And I know it'll only be a matter of time before I'm alone in the house again when Katrina goes on tour with John. She always does. They leave me here and I just give them the excuse that I need time to be alone anyway. I'm not completely sure that will work this time.

"You're not going to see him off?" Katrina asked as she sat across from me at the table.

I shrugged with a small sigh.

"I think you should." She said.

"And what makes you say that?" I asked without looking up from themushslop cereal that soaked in the bowl.

"Well, you just do."

"I can't and shouldn't go if I don't have a reason." I said simply.

Her hands suddenly clenched into fists, "Amory, I have never gotten so mad at you to the point of raising my voice without laughing afterwords, but at the moment it seems that you're asking for it."

I looked up at her innocently.

She stood up abruptly, "You need to see Nick."

"No, I don't--"

"Shut up, and listen to me!"

I shrank in my seat.

"Amory, you love him. And like you said, love is just a never-ending chase for that magic, that rush that keeps us bleeding for more time. Well, guess what, Am. You've finally found that magic. But you're letting it slip away because you're scared that you will get hurt like those princesses that they never mention after the giant caption that says The End flashes on the screen. Open your eyes, Amory. You are not one of those girls. You are that one girl who's finally seen what time she's lost and the girl who finally sees what she's started. This isn't the end. Not yours at least." Katrina was panting by the time she finished.

But then I realized something. She was right. I stood up, "I need to get to Justin's house--"

"You won't find Nick there. He left for the airport this morning with John, Eric, and Justin." She sighed. "I'll give you a ride to the airport--"

"No, you know the traffic this time of day. We won't make it."

"Well, what else are you going to do? Run there?"

I shrugged with a smile, which I haven't done in quite some time I might add, "I wasn't in track for three years of High School for nothing."

She laughed, "I don't think so. Come on, it's what? Ten minutes away? Let's go--" We ran for her car in a matter of seconds.


"I CAN'T HELP IT!" I looked out the window at the amount of cars that seemed to be stacking themselves as the moments passed. I stared at the lock on the passenger door.

Katrina saw my glare. She sighed, "You wouldn't."

I gave her a sympathetic look.

She rolled her eyes, "I'll meet you there." She smiled, "Tell Nick I said Heller and that he needs to stay for your sake."

I squealed, "You know I love you, right?"

She laughed, "Naturally. Now, go. Go get your man."