Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


Despite my weak effort and the few chances I had to retaliate with an argue with my own, I knew that no matter what I said, I couldn't deny that everything they had said was the complete and utter truth. I had a lot of nice men in my life. They were all genuine and sweet, and they really knew how to treat a lady. And yet they are all just friends. Feelings can't be forced, and, trust me, if I could, I'd snap my fingers so that the emotions would appear on the scene.

Then again, if that were possible, I could just snap my fingers so Katie and Katrina would stop worrying about something that wasn't even that major. I'm only human, not to mention a twenty-two year old journalist that knows nothing other than to observe and report. Taking action is not programmed into me.

I guess I am being a tad extreme with my antics, but I mean, you can't blame me. I just want all of my friends to be happy. Is that so wrong? Wanting to make a difference in your friends' love lives and avoiding a love-sick situation are completely different. I just think love is an amazing thing and that it is better to experience it from a far.

Love is just a never-ending chase for that magic, that rush that keeps us bleeding for more time. No one said it was easy. They also didn't say that when we find it, we still can't get hurt.

Have you ever thought of what happens to the prince and the princess after they kiss and the credits fade out? What is a happily ever after anyway? It can't be that simple. It can't be that cut and paste cookie-cutter crap that those romance novels and movies make it out to be. With real love comes tension and suspense. It just doesn't happen that easily.

Some good has come out of it, I suppose, what Katrina and Katie are trying to do. Maybe it will just help them see that I let my own one and only pass out of my willing choice. This will be my way of getting my own point across.

They did forget some things, though, while trying to convince me.

Being a matchmaker, you pick up some principals, if you will. They're more like feelings that need to be sought out at all times.

It is in these principals that I know Katrina and Katie won't ever be able to find that special someone that could make my heart beat so fast that it will stop. Maybe I should just tell them to give up and that I promise to find someone on my own...

As I finished contemplating my own compromise, Katrina burst into the room. Her magenta stained lips were peeled back in a proud smile.

On second thought, I'll just let them have their fun... For now.

She walked up to me, victory gleaming in her eyes. "Amory! I found him!" She continued to jump in excitement. Apparently, my habits have gotten to her.

I glanced behind her, "Where's Katie? Are you guys like switching off or something?"

She nodded rapidly, "Yes, but I found him first."

I raised my left eyebrow, "Oh, so it's become a competition now?" I chuckled, "You guys are getting very hardcore about this. It should be a new reality show."

The brunette ignored my statement and went off about her business that concerned me. "Well, I just think, actually, I know that he is perfect."

I raised my brows with apprehension. I could already smell the trouble that was before me, and she hadn't even instituted her judgement yet. "How so?"

She commenced to pace across the room, "Okay, so his name is Zack. He is in a band. And thank God that he is single!"

I scratched the sensitive skin above my eye. "Hair color?"

"Blond." Katrina answered immediately.




"Incredibly cute, and from what I saw, you will love him."

I held up one firm finger in protest to the latter part of her reasoning. "Never say the word Love and a pronoun with me as the antecedent in the same sentence, please."

Katrina pouted, showing off her puppy-dog eyes, something she'd been attempting to perfect ever since we got out of high school and away from the familiar crowd that was all too familiar with our ways of persuasion.

I threw my head back. "Fine. Let's do this." My eyes rolled back into my skull at the thought of a relationship.

Simpering, she finished the rest of her news. "He said that he'll meet you at the cafe down the street tonight at eight."

My head shot forward. "Tonight?" The intestines in me began to churn with anxiety.


"Well, it's like six! I need at least one hour to think it over, one hour to shower and get dressed, and one hour to put on my make up, approve it, and get there!" I ran to my room, prepared to look through my entire closet just for a decent outfit and hopefully more time just to mentally fabricate some good emotions. "I'm short one hour!"

"Hello! That is what I'm here for!" The overly-excited girl trailed after me.

"What am I supposed to wear?!"

HOLD ON. Why am I getting so worked up? Oh, right. I haven't been on a date in a year or two. Possibly more. Oh, my God. I am a total failure in my own love life. Shut up. No, I'm not. Being a pessimist is not what I need to be right now. Anything but bad thoughts, anything but bad thoughts...


"That doesn't help me at all!" I rummaged through my closet. My hands automatically pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and a red baseball cut t-shirt. I grimaced at it, "It'll work, I suppose."

"What are you kidding?" She grunted and pushed me aside to look for something else. "You're going on a date not going to play soccer with the boys."

I put the weight on my right foot. "Well, okay, how 'bout you go in my place while I sit here and admire my own personal life on the internet.

"Put this on--" Katrina shoved a white button-up into my hands followed by a pair of jean shorts. "And wear those brown felt boots that you bought last week."

"Oh, you were serious?"

"Just do it!"

"Well, I'm not gonna strip in front of you!" I gave a nod towards the door.

"Bloody hell." Katrina threw her hands up in defeat and left me to myself so I could change.

Just the mere thought of the effort the two were putting into this was enough to make me laugh and be embarrassed at the same time. While I admired their efforts to make me happy, I knew that their chances of making it happened were slightly above slim. And undeterred by my own emotions, I knew that they will try their hardest even if it means ignore me in the process.