Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


"That gross. Scarring, actually."

"Deal with it. They've been at it for almost an hour."

"Again. SCARRING. I get back home after, what? A month and a half? And right when I step through the door, I expect a welcoming hug or a 'Welcome home, Katie! We missed you so much! We can't live without you! You're the only one in this house that doesn't PMS to the point of finishing two cartons of milk!' but no. I get this. Oh, yeah, this is definitely better."

"Will you relax? Be happy that they're even speaking to each other."

" what did I miss?"

"Huh. Well, he left. She ran. They kissed and... Yeah. Here, we are."

"Gosh, I did miss a lot."

"Gee, you think?"

"So they've really been...?"

"Yes, Katie. Nick and Amory have been on that God-forsaken couch, making out for the past half hour."

I guess, this was, uhm, my cue to stop what I was doing. "Uhm, Nick? The welcome party was supposed to start five minutes ago, and I think we're late." I put my hand on his chest with a smile.

Those gorgeous olive eyes smiled back at me. He sat up.

Yes, I know. I skipped over quite a bit. So, it has been exactly one month ever since I made that one mile run for love. My second chance was used up, but it was definitely worth it. Nick and I went on several official dates and they went perfectly. I went with him to all of his local shows, all of which he would play what he considers "Our Song." This song being Forever and Always by Taylor Swift. Silly, I know, but every time I hear that song, my heart just pushes its way out of my chest and into his hands. We shared our secrets including my dream of going to Paris and kissing him under the stars just when the flickering lights of the Eiffel Tour start to twinkle. I just couldn't help myself but to smile when he told me that his dream was to fulfill mine. I can't ever resist but to kiss him whenever I see him waiting for me. But, back to the present.

"What did I miss?" I took a deep breath and fixed my hair.

Nick sat next to me and held my hand.

"Ahem," Katie cleared her throat.

"Oh!" I ran up to her and tackled her in a hug. "I am so sorry! I got--"

"Caught up." Katrina finished with a smirked.

I stuck my tongue out at her, "Shut up."

Katrina shrugged while Katie rolled her eyes.

Nick wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek, "I have to meet John in a few. We're, uh, planning something."

"Something big?" I kissed him sweetly.

He shrugged, "In a way. And we need to pick up some people from the airport."

I sighed, obviously not to keen on having to let him leave even if for a couple of hours. "Alright. Call me when your on your way here, okay?"

"Actually, I'm taking you to sushi for a girls' day out." Katrina smiled. "Sushi while Katie helps Andy unpack."

Nick smiled, "See? I'll call you when we're done. But--both of you--Be ready when we call."

"Why?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He tightened his hold around me.

"Why do I need to dress up?" Katrina cut in.

"For John. This surprise includes both of you." Nick kissed me once more then grabbed his coat. "Au revoir, mon amour."

"Au revoir," I whispered.

"Perk up, chica. I may have to help Andy unpack, but that does not mean I can't help you pick out a dress for tonight." Katie twirled around.

"Who said I have to wear a dress?"

"I do." Katie grabbed mine and Katrina's hand. "Come on, we're going to H&M!"

It took Katie two hours to find two dresses--one for me and Katrina that were and I quote "Sexy but not muffin-top form fitting." She chose this brown dress for me with a white etching on it. It had a cream lace ribbon that wrapped around it, and it was just beautiful. I have to admit that the dress was incredibly cute. Katie even chose my shoes. Black heels. How classic. Katrina's dress was a combination of olive green and creme with a gray floral etching on it that she seemed very much in like with. A burgundy ribbon was tied around her waist.

And within those two hours, I received that foretold phone call from Nick, telling me and Katrina to meet him and John at some place which neither I or she have been. The GPS got a workout, but we did get there.

Katrina and I stood against my car for about five minutes before we actually started to walk around and in other words "inspect" where we were and why we were in this particular place.

It was almost like an empty lot with trees asphalt. No complaints. Well, from me at least. Katrina isn't too fond of her shoes to say the least.

Another two minutes into the silence, and then a pair of hands covered my eyes.

I giggled, "You better be who I think you are or else I will get really mad if you smudge my make-up."

"You look beautiful anyway," Nick whispered as he kissed me softly. He still kept his hands over my eyes.

"Any particular reason why I'm not supposed to see where I'm going?"

"Well, of course. But keep your eyes closed." He removed his hands then held mine.

I was weary of where I was stepping. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

We came to a stop. I had the strongest urge to open my eyes but kept them closed for Nick's sake.

"Do you remember that dream of yours?" Nick took both of my hands in his and kissed them.

"Being under the Eiffel Tour?"

"Not just that. Us kissing under the Eiffel Tour while its lights start to sparkle."

I chuckled, "Yes, I remember."

"Well, I know we aren't in Paris but this was the closest to it that I could get. Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes slowly. I let out a gasp as a giant projection of the Eiffel Tour was beside us. "W-What it this?" I looked back to him but he wasn't standing in front of me. He was on his knee. "Oh, my God."

"Amory," he began to say. "Will you do something for me?"

I couldn't answer. God knows that some cat stole my tongue within the past two seconds.

"I've planned on how to say this everyday ever since I met you, but the words just never seemed to come out right." He sighed. "So, let's hope this time it's good."

Still can't talk.

"Amory, I love you. And you and I know that I always will. So, because I am positive that you will always have the biggest place in my heart, I just wanted to ask if you would..."

Oh, God.

"Marry me?"

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