Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker

Jog Anyone?

“Promise that you’ll come back to me?” I whispered to Nick, clutching his carry-on behind me.

Nick stroked my cheek softly with a reassuring smile. “You know I will.”

I shrugged with a small giggle, “Well, I’ve never been to Massachusetts, so for all I could know, the place is flooded with gorgeous models or something.” I sighed. “I don’t want you to leave.”

He ran his fingers through my hair, “You know I don’t want to either, but my mom just wants to talk to me about this in person. After that, she’s coming back with me. Then we can get married, I promise.”

I lifted the right corner of my lip, “Alright.”

“Two weeks. 14 days. It’s not that long.”

I cradled his face in my hands after dropping his bag to the floor, “You know that it will seem like a lifetime to me.”

Nick put his hands over mine and brought me closer. His lips touched mine softly. “I love you.” He whispered. “Always.”

I lowered my stare to the ground and handed him his bag, “I love you, too.”

“Hey, look at me.” Nick tilted my chin up only enough that I could see him without having to look anywhere else. If I tried to shy away, his glance would still catch me. “No one can steal me away. You hold my heart in your hands. While I’m gone, it’s staying here with you.” He tucked my hands together, keeping them still for the time being.

I placed one last kiss on his soft lips and watched him walk out the door.

Exactly two hours passed and it was very obvious that I couldn’t sit still. Katrina and Katie stared at me as I paced the floor in front of them.

“Did you have another Amp this morning, Am?” Katrina asked me quite suspiciously.

I shook my head. “I just—I can’t stand still.”

“Clearly.” Katie teased.

I let out a nervous breath, “Maybe I should like go jogging or something.”

“Or something.” Katrina chuckled.

I stuck my tongue out at her.

“Why don’t you go for a run, and then come back when your head is cleared?” Katie suggested.

“I guess. I’ll see you guys later.”

“Have fun!”

I slammed the door behind me. Is this normal? You know, being all jittery and…hectic and… confused… and so many other things? Maybe it’s a side-effect—a side-effect of Nick leaving. Well, that would have been better to know before he left. I could have braced myself, prepared myself for the worst.

In turn, I have to run of the sensation, the frenzy that automatically started once Nick walked out my front door with his bags in hand. I know he’s coming back. He promised he would. I guess I’m just scared. I’m new to this, if you could tell already.

I could feel my heart beat slowing down. Thank heavens.

And yet, fate had to reel me back in.

Just as I rounded the corner to the coffee shop, a line of yellow taxis came into view. Right when I passed by the first, the red hair and dazzling smile caught my eye.

Is someone purposely pushing me to Nick or is it just me?

The light turned green then suddenly turned red. Oh, F my life.

Nick’s cab stopped right beside me. Oh, F my life times five.

Wait, no. my legs are stopping. WAIT. NO NO NO NO. Keep running legs—Keep running!!!

Oh, why did my legs suddenly decide to stop moving now? Of all times?

I stood beside Nick’s cab. Me and my stupid little spastic legs stayed there as Nick got out of his seat, grinning at me.

He chuckled, “Are you following me?”

I folded my arms across my chest, “I don’t know. You’re the one in the cab.” I smiled.

“Speaking of which, it won’t be a red light forever.” Nick laughed.

“Oh, yea? And what exactly do you intend on doing before that light turns green?” I popped my legs behind me and bat my eyes.

“Oh, I don’t know.” He twirled my hair.

“That light is going to turn green any second now.” I tapped my foot, still widely smiling.

He lowered his face to mine. I pressed my lips to his with whatever energy I had. Now, that was a goodbye kiss.

I let go of him.

Nick looked at me with a dazed smile. He chuckled, “I, uh.”

“The light’s going to turn green in a couple of seconds.” I put my hand on his chest. “You better get back in your cab.”

“Wait, wait, wait.”

“Yes?” I started to back away.

The cab driver honked the horn.

“Hey, will you…?”

“Will I…what?” I smiled.

“Come to Massachusetts with me.” He smiled. “I’ll delay the flight, just come with me.”

I smiled. “I’d love to. But don’t delay your flight.”


“I’ll take the next flight.” I reassured him.

“So, see you in Braintree? I’ll pick you up.”

I nodded, “See you in Braintree.”
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys probably hate me for not updating):