Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


“Y-you’re going to Braintree? Braintree, Massachusetts?” Katrina stared at me with wide eyes. “Wha—Oh, my God.” She rubbed her temples.

“You’re leaving us?!” Katie yelped.

“Not leaving, I mean, I’m coming back.” I said to them as I tossed my jeans into my suitcase.

“You are leaving! Just because you’ve found your one and only does not mean you can abandon us for him!” Katrina scolded me.

“Guys, relax. You don’t need me here…per say.”

“What are we supposed to do without you here?” Katie asked me.

I shrugged, “At least now you don’t have anyone to complain about when you make so much noise.”

Katrina stuck her tongue out at me.

Katie sighed, “Well, you could have given us more prior notice.”

“I just told you and I’m leaving in an hour. I think that’s prior enough.” I smirked.

Katrina rolled her eyes, “I still can’t believe that you’re going across the country.” She shook her head.

“I think I’m old enough to fend for myself.” I walked up to her.

She lifted the left corner of her mouth, “We’ll miss you here.”

I hugged her tightly, “I’m just a text away.” I laughed.

“What happened to ‘a phone call away’?” Katie chuckled.

“Psh. No one calls anymore.” I said.

“How long are you staying?” Katrina asked.

I shrugged, “No idea. Until the time calls for me that I need to come home, I guess.”

This conversation continued until I really had to go to the airport. I said my goodbyes to Rachael, John, and the rest.

The sound of the jets echoed in my ears long after take off, ringing constantly in the back of my mind, almost calling to me, asking why I was doing this. Why was I leaving my only home for him? He’s special, I told myself. He’s worth it. But is leaving my comfort zone healthy for me in my fragile state?

I sat on the edge of my seat, staring out the window on the plane. My fingers absently traced hearts on the fog that gathered on the glass. I sighed. The journey seemed like it was taking a lifetime. A lifetime to leave and a lifetime to get back, how exciting and utterly time-wasting.

I’d rather not comment on the fact that I was indeed shaking in my own skin as a result of the closeness of the passengers. Whenever my nerves got to me, I closed my eyes and sat back.

Think of him. He’s the only reason why you’re doing this. It’s for him. He’s worth it.

Now landing in Braintree, Massachusetts. Please, remember to collect your luggage from the compartments above your seats.

Nerves again. I kept my composure and sat still as the other passengers scrambled out of their seats, digging for their luggage like rats in a garbage can.

I collected my bag and followed the crowd. There he was, just standing there. That smile of his was stretched across his face, waiting for me.

I ran into Nick’s arms, almost floating as he spun me around.

He kissed me deeply, “I missed you and it’s only been less than twenty-four hours.”

I chuckled, “Well, I’m here now.”

“Come on. Let’s get to my place.”

I stared out the window as the many houses and trees passed by. This town seemed quiet, subtle, placid. I actually kind of liked it. It was almost like I could call it home.

“This is it.” He pulled into the driveway of a one story house. Its burgundy door stared back at us.

A woman with red hair stepped out of the house. This, I guessed, was Nick’s mom. She held a warm smile across her face, welcoming her sun as he got out of the car.

I stepped out wearily, fumbling with my hands, a clear sign that I’m nervous. I gave a small wave and waited for her response.

“Oh, she’s beautiful.”

Nick’s mother suddenly pulled me in a bone-crushing hug, something I’d never really gotten from anyone before. I hugged her back with a smile on my face.

“Thanks, Mrs. Santino.” I said.

She put her hands on my cheeks, “Please, call me Regina. The neighbors call me that.”

I chuckled, “Okay.”

“Uh, Mom, can you take her inside while I get the bags?” Nick interrupted.

“Of course, sweetheart.”

Regina took my hand and pulled me inside. The inside of their house was cozy, comforting. I smiled to myself.

“Would you like something to drink, honey?” She asked with a smile.

“Um, no, thank you. I’m fine.” I replied nervously.

“You have no idea how happy I was when Nick told me about you.” She started. “I’m just so happy he found someone. His father is at work all the time so we never really have time to sit down and talk about what goes on in Nick’s life.”

I sat down on the nearest couch, ready for her to continue.

“Nick needs to settle some things around here so I asked him to introduce you to some of the other girls around the town. They’re Nick’s friends, too.”

“Thanks, Mrs. San—I mean. Thanks, Regina.”

She smiled once more, “I’ll go set up your room.”

This should be interesting.
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Thought it was over, didn't you? HA! NO!