Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


In a way, although I felt at home in Massachusetts, I felt alone. Like I am “at home” but the people I should be with have been ripped away. I sighed to myself as I stared at my empty coffee mug. The tiny bits of ground grounds swirled around at the bottom.

The door to Marylou’s opened again, revealing that red-hair that was oh, so familiar to me.

Nick sat down in front of me and smiled, “Good coffee?”

I giggled, “Most definitely. What were you talking to your parents about?”

He scratched his head, “Well, my dad was giving me the lecture about how he thinks I’m too young to tie the knot and that I should look for someone better.”

I lowered my head down then looked up at him.

Nick grabbed my hand and held it in his, “I told him that there is no one on Earth who is even worth comparing you to.”

I smiled, “What’d he say?”

He sighed, “He said that he wants to meet you. Maybe tonight or something. Apparently we’ve been invited to a ‘Welcome back’ party.”

I chuckled, “Is that good or bad?”

He shrugged, “Good, I guess.”

“You guess?” I raised my left eyebrow.

He smirked, “I just don’t want them to bombard you with questions or anything like that.” He leaned closer to me.

I rose up my hand and stroked his cheek, “If it means being with you and no-one else tonight, then I’ll deal with it.”

“It the way you say small things like that that make me fall in love with you.” He put his hand on mine.

I blushed.

He kissed me softly. That kiss was just as flawless as the first.

“Come on.” He stood up then held his hand out to me. “Let’s go home.”

I stood up after him, “What time to we need to go to that party?”

“At eight.”

Eight o’clock came sooner than I thought. And Nick wasn’t lying. The second I stepped inside the door of the house that hosted the party, all eyes turned to me. Awkward much?

Nick cleared his throat, “Hi, guys. Uhm, this is Amory. My fiancé.”

I swallowed at his last word. I gave a small wave, “Hi.”

It was almost like a switch was finally flipped on. Within a span of about three seconds, I had quite a bit of questions thrown at me.

“Where are you from?”

“Is that your natural hair color?”

“What’s your GPA?”

“How long have you two been together?”

“How did you meet?”

“GUYS!” Nick yelled over the crowd.

The horde of people suddenly backed away.

Nick sighed and whispered to me, “I told you.”

I gave him a small smile, “You’re worth it.” I stepped forward. “I’m from Tempe, Arizona. This is my natural hair color. My GPA is a 3.9. We’ve been together for about a month or so. And he’s a good friend of a best friend.” I smiled.

Nick raised his eyebrows. He wrapped his arms around my waist, “Now, if you don’t mind, we’re getting drinks.” He uncoiled his arms then grabbed my hand. We headed towards the kitchen while everyone just stared.

The second we stepped foot into the kitchen, Nick pressed his lips against mine. He rested his forehead against mine, “You handled all those questions better than I would have.”

I pushed the stray strands of hair away from his face and smiled, “You don’t give me enough credit.”

He chuckled and kissed me sweetly.

“Go get a room.” Someone said.

Nick pulled away. We both looked to whoever spoke.

Much to my dismay, it was the girl with the red hair that glared at me in Marylou’s.

She held a smile on her face. I thought everything was fine until I realized that she wasn’t smiling at me. She was smiling at Nick. I think I might’ve missed something. That something is obviously important.

“Hey, Ri!” Nick smiled.

‘Ri’ extended her arms and hugged him, pulling him away from me.

I rubbed my arm out of nervousness.

“I missed you!” She exclaimed. She still didn’t look at me.

“I missed you, too. Oh, have you met Amory?” He pulled me forward.

“No, I haven’t.” She looked at me with distaste, examining me from head to toe.

I kept switching my stare from her to the ground.

She extended her hand to me, “I’m Rianna, Rianna Shanley.”

I shook her hand, “Hi, Rianna. I’m Amory.”

Rianna flashed a smile that seemed to scare me.

Nick kissed my cheek, “I’m going to find my parents.”

“Okay.” I smiled slightly.

The very moment Nick stepped out of the room, Rianna glared at me.

I scoffed, “What exactly did I do to you that earned me these glares?”

She rolled her eyes, “You are the bitch I presumed you to be.”

“Excuse me?” I folded my arms across my chest.

“If you hadn’t have come into the picture, I’d still have Nick—“

“Wha—You’re mad at me because I’m with Nick?”

“That and you stole him from me.”

“I didn’t steal anything!” I defended myself.

She pointed an accusing finger at me, “This relationship won’t last. You won’t get this happy ending. You will never know him like I do.” She turned her heel and walked away from me.

I backed up into the nearest wall and slid to the ground. Her words rang in my ears.

This relationship won’t last. You won’t get this happy ending. You will never know him like I do.

Was she right?