Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker



I looked up from my spot on the floor only to see Nick. His eyes—warm and olive green stared back at me with question. What was I supposed to tell him—that his best friend home his home town just threatened me because he loved me? Or even worse—I almost believed her?

No. I can’t. I won’t.

“Hey, what happened?” Nick helped me off the ground.

I shook my head while I brushed off the bit of dirt that clung to my pants. “Nothing. Why?” I didn’t really care if I was convincing enough. He would just see right through me anyway, so why should I even bother?

He looked at me solemnly. He knew I was lying—he just won’t admit it. Nick sighed, “Alright, well, my dad is over there.” He pointed to a spot in the living room. “He wants to talk to you.”

I closed my eyes and nodded to myself.

Nick grabbed my hand as I began to make my way through the crowd. He pulled me close to his chest, putting his warm hand to my cheek, “you don’t have to do this.” He whispered.

I pressed my lips to his, let that single kiss linger, and smiled. “When it’s love, you have to fight for the upper hand.”

He smiled as re recognized the lyrics from one of his favorite songs by Taylor Swift.

I exhaled a deep breath, “Let’s do this.”

But how awkward can you really get?

Walking right in front of your soon-to-be mother and father-in-law and having nothing to say is just about as awkward as you can possibly get.

“Mom, Dad, this is Amory.” Nick entwined our fingers together as he introduced me.

“Hi, Regina, Mr. Santino.” I said with a small smile.

Nick’s mother returned the smile.

Nick’s father, on the other hand, eyed me, looked at what I was wearing and motioned for me to sit down.

“Dad—“ Nick started.

“Not now, son. I’m the father—I’m asking the questions here.”

I sat down in front of them, Nick by my side. At least with him there, I felt comfortable…kind of.

Nick’s father looked at me intently, “So what do you do for a living?”

“I, uh, work part time at a restaurant and part time as the co-manager for my friends’ band.”

“And your education?”

“I graduated at ASU with a Master’s Degree in Chemistry and Computer Science.”

He nodded, “Good job, son.” He stood up.

Nick looked at him in question, “That’s it?”

His father nodded once more, “I’m Jim by the way, Amory. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled.

I chuckled nervously. I must have missed something.

“Being yourself and not avoiding questions are good qualities for a daughter-in-law.” He laughed.

I scratched my head. I really did miss something.

“So, you approve?” Nick asked his dad hopefully.

Jim nodded, “I approve.”

Nick smiled to me.

I jumped up from my seat and hugged him.

Once his mom and dad left our site, Nick pulled me close to him, “Let’s get out of here—“

I raised my right eyebrow.

He shrugged, “We’re no longer needed here.” He smiled.

I laughed, “You’re right. Let’s go.”

He whispered in my ear just before we left, “I’m keeping my promise.”

When he said that, he reminded me of how this all started.

Getting caught in the moment...