Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


Morning came sooner than I wanted it to. Then again—It always does.

I never liked waking up. It was just an alarm that went off in the back of my head than continuously screamed, “Quit dreaming! Welcome to the real world!

That was far from what I needed. What I needed was some down time—quiet. Tomorrow didn’t need to come so fast. If it had a reason, it needs to speak up.

I was up alone today. Well, not completely. The sheets were tangled around my legs. They were war, from the sunlight that beat down on them. I stared at the ceiling for a good two minutes, just thinking. When I sat up, Nick was by the window with his acoustic guitar in his lap.

He looked over to me and smiled, “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” His face looked worn and tired. He probably didn’t sleep well again.

I yawned, “Why are you up so early?” I stretched. My leg strained when I stood up and walked over to him. My arms coiled themselves around his body as I sat behind him.

The warmth that radiated off his skin seemed to slow my heartbeat, calming me down.

Nick sighed, “It’s just one of those days.” His fingers strummed the guitar. A soft melody resonated from the wood.

It is just one of those days—those days where you just feel like sitting in your room and listen to the rain as it tapped on you window. Heaven forbid that I won’t have one of those days any time soon even though I desperately needed one.

I kissed his neck sweetly. “I wish I could just spend one day completely alone with you.”

Nick placed his guitar down then turned into my direction to face me. His hand stroked my cheek softly. We sat in silence as he placed tiny kisses on my lips.

His phone started to ring on his night stand.

I pulled out of his reached and sat back.

He looked back to me with apologetic eyes.

I hugged my knees to my chest and sighed, “Go answer it.”

I did feel bad about pushing all this guilt on him. You couldn’t really blame me though, could you?

I watched as he walked over to his phone and answered it.

“Hey, Ri—No, I’m just tired.” Nick faked out a yawn as his needed proof. “Yea—well, no, she’s—But, Ri, she’s homesick.”

Figures, she starts talking about me.

Nick sighed, “Okay—Yea, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”

“She doesn’t like me very much.” There. I said it. I might have said it quietly but for God’s sake, I said it.

He laughed once, “I kind of figured after that.”

“What’d she say?”

He shrugged, “She said that I’m being foolish and that I’m spending too much time with you when I should be s[ending it with family.”

I stared at him innocently.

“And she said that she wanted to talk to me.” He paused. “In private.”

“Then go.” I said quietly. I could blame him that this entire situation was so complicated. It wasn’t his fault just as it wasn’t mine. But there really wasn’t anything either of us could do except for talking.

“Would you be mad at me?” Nick asked in a voice that was barely audible.

I chuckled, “If that’s what it takes to settle this whole ordeal, then no. really, Nick. Go and talk to Rianna. Cool down the air.”

He smiled, “I’ll be back before noon, I promise.” He leaned in to kiss me.

My lips meant his, “I’ll just hand around. I’ll be fine.”

Nick ran off to change.

I stayed in my seat with my knees to my chest. There was no harm in letting him handle this by himself. Besides, there’s nothing that I could stay that Rianna would take whole heartedly.

Nick came out of the bathroom, fully dressed and sat beside me again. He looked at me with silent eyes, “I love you. Always.”

“I love you, too.” I kissed him sweetly.

“I’ll be back before you miss me.” He chuckled.

I shook my head, “Now you know that isn’t possible.”

“It isn’t?” he raised his left eyebrow.

“Nope.” I sighed. “Because I miss you already.”

He smiled slightly, "Nothing could go wrong."

I rolled my eyes, "And yet whenever the main character of any story says that, something bad happens."

He laughed.

I shrugged, "It's true."

Nothing could go wrong.