Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


I was never one to complain about how the results of my actions turned out. I’ll just go with whatever fate lets me have. Just because things aren’t going…the way I expected, doesn’t mean I should have a heavy heart let alone heavy thoughts.

I thanked Mrs. Santino for the breakfast she provided and made my way to Marylou’s. The sunlight seemed to be blocked by a blanket of gray haze that unintentionally put a damper on my mood.

If you didn’t know any better, you’d think the clouds were simply holding back the rain until it needed to release it.

I stepped into Marylou’s. Various families glanced over to me then went back to their businesses.

Coffee--that’s definitely what I needed. It was kind of a reverse affect for me. It calms me down and keeps me awake. No crash afterwards.

I sipped from my mug slowly, letting the hot liquid stream through my sore throat.

From the looks of it, I was perfectly fine. And yet underneath it all, I wanted nothing but to cry right then and there.

No. The crowd is too large. I don’t want to start a scene.

I’m guessing this is just karma coming after me because I really didn’t think this thing through--a way of saying that I should have stayed in Arizona, my comfort zone.

Marylou’s was quiet today. Aside from the minute chatter from the families around me, the air was placid. My breathing rate was finally subtle. Well, at least it was for a good two minute.

“Keep it down back there!” The man behind the counter suddenly yelled to the back room.

My eyes flashed to the scene.

A muffled argument came from behind the kitchen door.

“Hey!” The man called out again.

Anxious customers began to stand up to investigate what was going on behind those double doors.


Shards of broken porcelain plates flew through as the doors swung open.

My eyes grew red and watery as the red hair came into view.

“Why do you love her!” Rianna screamed at Nick.

I couldn’t help but shrink in my seat, knowing that she hadn’t seen me sitting by the door. At least, not yet.

“Because she means the world to me! I didn’t work this hard to get this place in her heart--let alone a little corner in her thoughts just to throw it all away!” Nick raised his voice. “Ri, that was the past. What was won’t be again.”

“I can’t believe you!”

“Why do you even care? You’re making a big deal out of this for nothing!”

I’d never seen him this angry. His fists were clenched, making his knuckles white. I’m actually surprised that he hadn’t thrown a punch at Rianna yet.

I’m making a big deal out of this?! Look at you! You’re finally home after almost three months and all you do is hang around with her! You just--” Her eyes turned to me.

If I had time--any time at all, I’d run away. But, clearly, I’ve been spotted and cornered off.

“And I what?” Nick asked, clearly frustrated.

Rianna suddenly took his face in her hands. Her lips touched his.

But he didn’t stop her.

My throat closed up. I stood to my feet abruptly, sending my cup of coffee to the floor. The glass shattered and hot coffee spilled onto the white tiles.

Nick pulled away and looked over to my direction, “Amory.”

A single drop of watered-down saline slid down my cheek. I couldn’t control my actions but to just cry right there on the spot. My feet took off and got me out of Marylou’s by full sprint.

“Amory! No--wait!” He ran after me.

The more he called my name, the faster my feet carried me.

Just as I turned the corner on to a different street, a droplet of rain fell onto my cheek and I was jerked back.

The second I saw that it was Nick, my open hand flew across his face.

In my attempt to try and strike him a second time, he grabbed both my wrists and held them down to my sides.

I struggled to get whichever of my hands free. My right hand slipped out of his grip.

The blows that I inflicted did no damage, and he knew that.

Nick waited until the fatigue caught up with me resulting in my knees buckling.

He caught me in his arms.

I shook my head and pushed him away.

“Amory, I--”

“I trusted you.” That’s all I could say. “And you… you don’t even care. You just threw it back in my face.” My voice slowly disappeared as I broke down, crying on the concrete.

“Amory, please--” He tried to say.

“Don’t talk to me.” I said abruptly. “I’m going home.”

Nick opened his mouth.

“To Arizona.” I finished. “I knew this was a mistake--allowing myself to let love in at my own expense.”

“No,” he put his hands on my tear-streaked cheeks as the rain continued to soak through. “This was not a mistake.

I shook my head to myself.

“Please, don’t leave me. You’re all I want--not her. Never her.” He whispered sincerely.

The scene of when I stopped Nick from leaving two months ago replayed in my head.

“I can’t.” I barely got out.

“Amory, please.” It looked like he was on the verge of tears as I was.

I bit my lip and shook my head once more. “I’m sorry.” I stood up and made my way back to pack while the rain just fell on me and the rest on Braintree.