Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


I woke up with the bed sheets tangled around me. The sunlight beat down on my face with a glare. I looked to the clock.

8:43 AM.

I need to get ready.

Nick slept quietly beside me.

I shouldn’t wake him. As I got dressed, my good-bye letter to Nick fell to the floor. I picked it up. Its white exterior stared back at me.

I sighed and set it beside Nick’s peaceful façade with my engagement ring sitting on top of it.

This seemed like the best way to leave. Short. Sudden. No long hard goodbyes.

A sudden sharp pain pierced my head. I rubbed my temples while slipping on my shoes. I ignored it. I kissed his lips once more and left the house.

And Braintree.

And Massachusetts.

It’s all behind me now.

18 Hours Later.

I hate flying with a passion. By the time the plane had landed, my headache doubled in pain.

What is wrong with me?


I looked up from my seat at the waiting area at the airport.

Justin ran up to my with open arms. He engulfed me a tight hug that seemed to make my head pulse.

“How are you? Are you ok? What happened with Nick?”

“Justin!” I interrupted him, preventing any more questions from being thrown at me. “I just want and desperately need to get some sleep.”

He laughed, “Alright. But you are explaining everything, and I mean everything when you wake up okay? Deal?”

I rolled my eyes, “Deal.”

When we got to the car a couple minutes later, my stomach started to bubble.

“Justin, I feel sick.” was all I could say before running to the nearest trash can.

Justin rubbed my back comfortingly.

The acid burned my throat. I stood up right and sat down on the curb. My head was pounding. The beads of sweat gathered on the edge of my upper lip. Something is really wrong with me.

“Food poisoning?” Justin asked me.

I shook my head enough to get the message out without making me even more sick to the point of throwing up. Again. “I haven’t eaten anything in the past twenty-four hours.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Come on--Let’s get you home and into a bed. I think I know what’s wrong.”

“What?” Justin helped me off the floor.

“I’ll tell you when we get there.” He helped me into my seat.

“Justin, what the hell is wrong with me?’

Instead of answering my question, he drove until stopping in a pharmacy parking lot. He ran inside, clearly not aware that I was glaring at him.

Justin came running back out a few minutes later with a long box in his hand.

“What is that?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you when we get home.”

“Give me that--” I pried the box out of his left hand. I took one look at it and I started breathing heavily. “Whoa. Whoa. WHOA! NO! You think I’m PREGNANT?!”

“Yea, kinda.” He answered.

“’Yea, kinda’? You’re insane! Why would I be pregnant?!”

“Well, for starters, you threw up and you have a headache. Second, you have a fucking hickey on the side of your neck for crying out loud!” He raised his voice.

“So?!” I shrieked as my hand went to my neck to cover up the spot.

“Amory, you flinched when I put my hand on your back.”

“Your point being?”

“It’s either: A. You’re getting old and you have back problems. Or B. You have another hickey there!”

“Shut up!”

“AHA! So there IS another one!”

“Is there a point to this?!”

“Uh, yea… Why the hell would you sleep with Nick the day you’re leaving?!”

“I did not!”

“Liar!” He pointed an accusing finger at me as we pulled into my driveway.

I slapped his hand down. “Justin!”

He stepped out of his side of the car then pulled me out of mine. Just as I opened the door, he pushed me towards the bathroom with the pregnancy test.


“Don’t ‘Justin!’ me! Go and pee on that thing!”


I threw my head back and stepped into the bathroom.

I walked out a couple minutes after with the stick in my hand.

Justin motioned for me to give it to him.

I stabbed it onto his hand--the soaked end first.

“Eh!” He dropped it to the floor and ran for the sink.

I stuck my tongue out at him. “That’s pay back for being a dick!”

He rolled his eyes then picked up the test.

“I’m telling you, it’s gonna say negative”

Justin turned the rod to face me. A little red minus sign became clear.

”Told you.” I looked at him.

“Well, then. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.” Justin scratched the back of his head.

”Justin, nothing that major is going to happen.” I sighed. “It was probably just motion sickness or something from the long plane ride.”

”Yea, I guess.” Justin bit his lip. “Sorry.”

I smiled. “It’s okay, J-Bo.”
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