Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker

Airport Pranks

"Go away," I mumbled through my bed sheets.

Katrina continued to shake me.

I groaned and tossed over the sheets, "What?!?"

She held up innocent hands, "Relax, mon amie."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Fine. What is it?" That was so important that called for me being woken up at eight in the morning.

"John, Justin, and a couple of other people are going to the airport, and we need your help."

"Awh," I pouted. "Did John forget how to parallel park the van again?" Sarcasm.

She stuck her tongue out at me, "Oh, drop it already."


"Why not?"

"Because it's fun to torture your boyfriend in every way."

She rolled her eyes, "We just need you to do something for us. John and the rest are picking up their friend from Massachusetts."

"And how do I fit in to this little plan?" I tilted my head to the side.

"They're going to play a little prank on him, and you're the main accessory."

"Excuse me?"

Tina sat down next to me, "We just need you to put on some black jeans and a black blazer which I am sure you have enough of."

I raised my eyebrow, "Why?"

"Because you are going to pretend to be his chauffeur." She stood up and headed out the room.

"I can't refuse, can I?" I called out to her.

"Nope!" She yelled back.

I squirmed in my place in the airport. The hat that Justin brought for me was extremely uncomfortable. And that is saying something considering that my hair was down and shielding my skin from it. I looked to the side just to see John motion to me to hold up the sign in my hands.

I sighed, put on a straight face, then flashed the sign up. The flight this guy was supposed to be on just landed, and people were already flooding the place. How am I supposed to know when it's him so I can prepare myself?

I looked over to where John was again. Shit, he's gone.

I held up the sign, being aware of my surroundings. My eyes scanned the airport. An old woman in a khaki trench coat. A little girl with a teddy bear. A guy with red hair and a guitar in hand. Hey, he's kind of cute. Shit, he's walking this way. Crap! This is him?

I suppose it is. The guy walked up to me with a confused smile, "What is this?"

I blinked, "Erm, your ride?" Did that sound sarcastic? Oh, God. That was mean. Oh, wait. I'm supposed to sound sarcastic. Shit.

He laughed, "Alright."

I motioned for him to follow me with a tiny smile.

"Well, I was supposed to be picked up by my friends, but this works, too." He smiled.

I laughed nervously. I turned around to see if he was still following me.

He wasn't. He was smirking instead. He pointed outside, "I know what's going on."

"What are you talking about?" I asked nervously. Damn, I have never been this nervous before.

He chuckled, "Don't lie. I can see their van."

I caved, "I'm sorry. I don't even know you. They put me up to it. Please, don't hold that against me--"

"Woah! Slow down!" He laughed. "I'm not mad."

"You're not?"

He shook his head, "No, but now it's time to turn the tables."

I raised my eyebrows, "What now?"

"What are John and the others waiting for you to do?"

"Just to drop the sign on the floor."

"Are they watching?"

I shook my head.

He smiled, "Good."

"What are we doing?"

He set down his guitar, "Take off the hat and your blazer."

"Woah, woah. I am not leaving this blazer here."

He chuckled, "I'll put it in my suitcase, alright?"

I sighed and handed it over to him, "Now what?"

"You don't feel too uncomfortable around me, do you?"

"Erm," I squirmed again. "No."

He smiled, "Good. Is it alright then if I put my arm around your waist?"

I hesitated then nodded, "Fake couple?"

"For the moment." He chuckled.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the parking lot. "Wait," I stopped him.

"Yeah?" He looked back to me.

"Can I know what your name is first?" I asked innocently.

"Nick," he smirked.

"Amory," I nodded.

"Well, Amory, that is a very beautiful name that suits you perfectly."

My cheeks flushed scarlet red. We continued to walk to the parking lot. Nick's hand slowly slipped to my waist as he said. I tried to control my posture.

We walked in front of the van. My eyes flashed to the inside past all the writing. John stared at me, wide-eyed. If I wasn't so nervous, I'd probably laugh at his expression.

Nick winked to me. I smiled.

His put his hands on either side of my face. His ring felt cold on my skin, "Still not too uncomfortable, right?" He whispered.

"No," I whispered back.

He smiled again then left a soft kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes, wishing that he wouldn't stop. Stop that! Crap, you don't even know him that well! Stop!

The van door slid open, "What the fuck are you two doing?!?"

I opened my eyes. John stood there with a red face.

Nick's smile could not get any bigger, "Gotcha."

John slowly smiled, "Good to have you back, Nick."

I jumped when Katrina put her hand on my shoulder.

"What was that?" She asked quietly.

I shook my head, "Nothing. Can we just go home now?"

Nick looked back to me while the other guys started to greet him. He smiled softly.

I shook my head. How could I forget this was all a prank?
♠ ♠ ♠
Very long...