Sequel: Mr. Dreamer

Ms. Matchmaker


"I honestly do not see why you are getting mad at Nick. He really didn't do anything." Katrina took a spoonful of the chocolate icing.

I grabbed the tub from her and took my own scoop with my index finger, "I told you. I'm not mad."

Katie made a face, "Ohkay, that's disgusting. You just contaminated the entire tub!"

I rolled my eyes, "It's my house, my icing, my germs. You just need to deal with it."

Katrina chuckled, "She's having a moment. Let her have her sweets."

I sighed and pouted over the tub, "This sucks."

"What does?" They both asked.

I looked down, "I'm almost out of icing."

Katrina collapsed back onto the bed just as Katie hung her head back. "Hopeless!" They yelled.

"I am not hopeless!" I whined.

"You sound like it right now!" Katie retorted.

I stuck my tongue out at her. She was lucky it wasn't coated in chocolate. I set down the tub, "Well, what do you expect? He kisses me then says 'Gotcha!' and I'm supposed to act like it didn't even happen?"

Katrina raised her left eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest, "Amory."

"Hm?" I squeaked.

"You don't like like Nick, do you?"

Awkward silence. My innocent stare switched between the both of them I laughed once, "Are you serious? Well, I mean, he's cute, but--"

"Do you like him, yes or no?" Katie cut in.

I shrugged, "I don't know."

"Oh, my God. You do!" Katrina laughed. "You have a crush on Nick!"

"I do not!" I yelled.

"Uh, yes you do!" Katie smiled.

I grunted and stood up, taking the tub of icing with me, "Shouldn't you two be trying to hook me up with some manwhore or something?"

"Where are you going with that?" Katrina yelled over to me with a mouth full of German chocolate.

"Hiding it!" I laughed. "I'm going to need it later anyway!"

"For what?" Katie ran after me followed by Katrina.

"For when the next date is dud." I smiled, placed the icing in the pantry and shut it. I leaned up against it to keep it shut.

Katie's jaw dropped, "What makes you think that I can't pick a guy as good as Katrina? Maybe, possibly, better than Zack."

"Then I say you're full of horse shit." Katrina came up behind her, still finishing the last of her chocolate. She stood next to me.

I chuckled, "What's his name?"

"Josh," she held a proud smile. "He's in a band, and your date is tonight."

"What is up with you two and band guys?" I shook my head.

"Well, who do you expect us to get? Chace Crawford?" Katrina asked sarcastically.

"That would be something, but he's not my type," I walked away.

"You have a type?" Katrina smiled.

I shrugged, "It's a very broad yet specific type."

"Oh, that makes complete sense," Katie said. Sarcasm. Again.

"Then I'm a complicated being with complicated standards. Let's just leave it at that," I grabbed my coat and headed out the door.

"Where are you going?" Katrina called after me.

I popped my head back in and shrugged, "I think I'll visit Rachael."

"Garrett's girlfriend?"

I nodded, "I need a change of scenery."

Katie pouted, "You're sick of us?"

"No! Not sick of you... Not really."

Katrina's jaw dropped, "You are sick of us!"

I rolled my eyes, "I'll see you guys later." I closed the door behind me and opened the door to my car.


I looked up from fumbling with the lock. It would be incredibly uncanny if you couldn't recognize the red hair and thesweet smile.

I blew the hair out of my face, "Hi, Nick."

He fidgeted with his hands, "I feel like we got off on the wrong foot yesterday."

I shook my head, "Of course not. I always make out with strangers right after I learn their names." Sarcasm. Wow, my entire household is sarcastic.

He chuckled, "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. It was just to get them back. I didn't mean to, like, uhm..."

"Give me false pretenses?" I mumbled under my breath.


"Nothing," I sighed. "Look I have to go. I appreciate you coming over here just to apologize--"

"Actually," he cut in. "I wanted to see if you wanted to come to the Club House tonight. My band is performing, and, well, the guys from the Maine are coming."

I smiled slightly, "I'd like that. But... I kind of have a date tonight."

He looked down to his hands, "Oh. Well, I guess I'll see you around...?"

I smiled and nodded, "That'd be cool."

He nodded to himself, "Later."

I sat in my car as he walked away. Josh, you better be worth it.