Tragically Beautiful

Something's Missing

It was flawless; absolutely breath-taking. The transformed ballroom was full of all that were invited to such an immaculate dance. They were floating across the ballroom floor dressed in their best attire while the orchestra’s melody flowed into the ears of all. Couples circled each other slowly, careful not to make a mistake. However, the music suddenly stopped, as did the dancing, whilst I made my way to the top of the white marble staircase. The green satin that hugged my silky white skin flowed to about three inches above the ground; just enough so my inherited white-glass heels could be admired. Sage appeared at my right with his elbow gestured out for me to take. He was wearing his imported Barney’s tuxedo; my favorite one of his. The blue tie against his black polo really made his eyes sparkle. He always escorts me for these dance/ball things. It was what you would call a tradition I guess. The funny thing is my father always told me he should be the one to escort his daughter down the marble stairs, but ever since 1962, the year I turned ten, Sage has escorted me. The music started up again as we silently made our way down the stairs arm-in-arm. This scene would seem like a fairy tale ball or a far-fetched dream to some, but to me it was my life. My parents loved to randomly host these dances when they wanted to have some fun with their friends. I didn’t mind. I loved all the attention and everyone loved me, saying I was the cutest thing they’d ever seen. As we reached the bottom of the staircase Sage kissed me once on each cheek, then once on my forehead before passing me to my father… hesitantly? Everyone “awed” like they normally do. Sigh, adults and they’re assumptions.

My hand rested on top of my father’s as we made our way to the center of the room, smiling and nodding as we passed the many noble and trustworthy family friends. We finally reached our destination and I turned in a circle, taking in all of the familiar faces before dramatically curtseying to my father. I received a few chuckles from my audience before we started to dance to the new faster paced melody the orchestra had started to play. After dancing for a song, I got passed around the dance floor. I was finally twirled into the arms of someone I truly knew. Sage smiled down at me as I returned the gesture. I looked away only for a second realizing we were secluded in a circle of eyes. I looked back up at him questioningly, but he just seemed to be lost in his thoughts while gazing down at me. I had to look away because honestly it was starting to freak me out a little. “You look absolutely stunning, Love.”

Smiling softly, I decided to look up at him, “Thank you, Sage. You look quite dashing yourself.”

He chuckled and pulled me closer against his chest. Something about the way his hand held my waist didn’t seem so friendly. It seemed more affectionate than I was use to. It almost felt… nice. But the whole picture seemed off. Like something was missing. Trying to forget my unnecessary over-analysis of the situation, I rested my head on his chest and looked around the room to find where my mother and father were. The circle around us had disappeared after we had stopped dancing. Sage and I were just swaying back and forth, content with each other’s company. I didn’t see anybody particularly interesting until I spotted him a little to my right. He was dancing of course but it wasn’t the dancing that bothered me. It was the look on his face. The pure happiness that was plastered on his handsome features made me want puke. No, it didn’t disgust me in any way. It was just that, well, actually I’m not sure why. But in the pit of my stomach I knew it was best if I just looked away. The thing was I couldn’t. It was like my muscles stopped working altogether and I could not snap myself back to the task at hand: Dancing with Sage. He was doing all the moving now and didn’t even seem to notice my lack of response.

The girl in Nick’s arms was probably prettier than I could ever imagine. He deserved her too. Wait, why am I freaking out like this? I met the kid four days ago and I’m wrapped around his finger without his recognition on the matter. I bet he wouldn’t even care if he even knew. Well, I’m sure he would care, give his opinions and such, but he would not do a thing about it considering he has other things to worry about. This is making me sick; I cannot just stand here and watch him whisper sweet nothings into her ear while her shoulders scrunched up ever so slightly, signaling he had successfully made her giggle and blush. I must say his is looking extremely adorable in his suit and bowtie. The sad thing is I’m not the one in his arms with the side of his smirking face pressed ever so gently against mine. Stop. I cannot keep doing this to myself. I was about to turn away from Sage and this entire mess when he looked up at me. My knees just about gave out when his eyes lit up at the sight of me, then darkened at the sight of who I was dancing with. I smiled at him. I couldn’t help it, so I mouthed a “Hi” in his direction. A tiny crooked grin was shot back at me along with a wink that sent me over the edge. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing here. Did he sneak in? Or maybe he was invited and I never realized he came to these events. I wouldn’t know until I saw him next because Sage finally realized I had stopped moving with him and he pulled me back into his view and out of my thoughts. “Are you tired? I’m sorry I did not realize sooner. We can start making rounds if you want, it’s getting late anyway.” I find his over-caring nature quite funny and almost charming. It was just one more reason that made me love him… Like a brother… I hope. Ok, I really do not like Sage like that. It’s illegal, right? Well if it isn’t then I’ll just have daddy change the rules so that it’s impossible for me to. Yes, that’s what I’ll do. I’m a genius and selfish, but come on. Who doesn’t abuse their sweet, adorable, only child powers once in a while? “It’s ok, Sage. Let’s just go, I do not want to get horded with goodbyes.”

“As you wish.”

Nobody seemed to have notice that we left which made me happy for the most part. Sage and I reached my bedroom at last and he waited outside for me to change. After it was all said and done we both wound up laying on my bed in a comfortable silence. His suit jacket was placed on the chair in front of my vanity and his shoes were next to the bed on the floor. He didn’t have to stand guard yet because his actual shift started at 10 o’clock; he just liked to come earlier sometimes so we could talk. That’s what I really liked about Sage. He was very easy to talk to and a great listener. And it never seemed like he didn’t want to spend this time with me. He was truly a remarkable person… and it helped that he was not half bad to look at either. Ok fine, I admit I had a bit of a crush on him but that is all it will ever be. He is much too old for me anyways. And you know what? I would not be surprised if he has tons of girls chasing after him who actually know how to kiss a boy. But that doesn’t mean I cannot enjoy the time we spend together. My head was touching his shoulder and our bodies were angled towards each other. “Lillian?”

“Yes?” He clasped my hand in his and he started to play with my silver banned ring delicately.

“What is it like to be the princess of Orebro?”

I yawned and looked up at him to answer. “It’s fun most of the time, I guess. I mean, all the great dresses and the inherited shoes and necklaces from my grandmother are fun to have, but most of the time I don’t think I really want to be a princess.”

I looked down disappointed in myself, because I knew almost any girl would kill to be me right now. Living in a mansion with plenty of servants to clean and cook for my family. “I really just want to experience what other girls my age do. I mean, I’ve never even been kissed or had a boyfriend. It all really makes me wonder if the rest of my life is going to be like this; cooped up in this place with no friends my age and not a single chore that’s placed on my shoulders. I just want to be a kid.”

Sage’s eyebrows scrunched together ever so slightly while he looked like he was arguing with himself over something. “You’ve never been snogged?”

I laughed, forgetting that snogging is what the British call kissing. “No I have never been snogged,” I said while copying his accent quiet well. I was still smiling, as was he, when he replied, “That is very unfortunate. Snogging is quiet enjoyable if the other person knows what they’re doing. You know, I once had a girl lick me before. It was extremely awkward afterwards and I felt bad just walking away, but I honestly did not know what to say.” He chuckled.

I laughed, “I would have started with ‘ewe’ and then end it after teaching her how to kiss properly.”

He shrugged and smirked. “I guess I could have. But the past is the past, right?”

“Right-o.” He laughed again. We stared at each other for quite some time. I was not really sure how long, but he interrupted the stare when he started to say, “Do you want me to teach you ho-”

Right then, the door opened, revealing Lillianna’s father a little tipsy and smiling like a goon. “Well, well, well. I just had a feeling you two were together! I’ll just leave you two alone then. Goodnight, Princess! Keep her safe, Sage-y!” And with that, he slammed the door shut leaving an awkward silence to fill the room.

“Um, what were you going to say?” Lillianna looked up at him, her head now rested on his shoulder.

He cleared his throat before answering. “Nothing. It was nothing.” He kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes and cuddled into his side. He removed his hand from hers for the first time and used his arm to pull her closer. As she slowly fell asleep in his arms, she couldn’t help but wonder why this felt so right, yet so very wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to put this picture up because it gave me most of my inspiration for the chapter!
How cute is he?
Hope you guys liked it! Sorry for any mistakes... my editor was busy and I really wanted to post it! Ill probably edit later