It Began With You

Chapter One

“I still refuse to call this an obsession.”

Sable stared at her best friend before rolling her eyes, “If that was true, we wouldn’t be sitting in a café- in Japan, might I add- at eight in the freakin morning just because you’re confident that Kat-Tun’s gonna swing by.”

“Oh, shut up,” Was Leigh’s response, “As much as you want to deny being in love with at least one of them, you’re still transparent to me. I can read you inside out.”

Sable made a face at Leigh and took a sip of her coffe, “How do you know they’r gonna be here anyways? Are those boys posting up infromation about where they eat breakfast too?”

“Just trust me on this. Have I ever been wrong?”

“Twice or three times…”

Leigh glared as Sable chuckled.

“Okay, so even if,” Sable made it a point to press on the word, “those Japanese mega-stars came strutting in here, what’re you gonna do about it?”

Leigh smirked, “See how the whole café is empty?”

Sable nodded, “It’s eight am on a Sunday. My mum doesn’t wake up at eight am on a Sunday.” She argued.

This time, it was Leigh’s turn to roll her eyes, “If the café’s empty, it’s easier for us to get to them. Or vice versa. We’re beauties, those men won’t be able to keep their eyes off of us.”

“Well, it’s either we’re beauties, or we’re gawking.”

Leigh shrugged, “After that, we’ll ducktape against the wall and fuck them senseless.”

Her friend stared at her in disbelieve.

“You’re so gullible,” Leigh shook her head, “You should’ve looked on your face when I said that.”

“Hey, don’t blame me. You’re the one that can be dangerous at the most random of times.”

Leigh smiled but stopped midway, “Don’t look now but they’ve just stepped in.”

Sable gawked, even before she saw the men, “Kat-Tun?”

“No, Doraemon.,” Leigh responded sarcastically, “Yes, Kat-Tun. They’re coming our way.”

“The whole band?”

“Nope. But our star players are here.”

Sable scrunched up her nose and asked of her favourite member, “Is Koki with them?”

Before Leigh got a chance to reply, Sable heard the voice that would’ve probably made her heart melt if she was face-to-face with the man, “Leigh.” The man greeted.

Four out of the six members of Kat-Tun- Kamenashi Kazuya, Akanishi Jin, Koki Tanaka and Taguchi Junnosuke, who was smiling too brightly for such an early morning- stood in front of the two girls.

“If I fan-girl, it’s all your fault.” Sable blamed her friend.

Leigh smiled and got up, hugging each member of the band- long and confident enough to know that they had some kind of relationship that went beyond fan-girl and idol.

Sable eyed the fivesome suspiciously, “Leigh, you know them?” She asked, beyond belief.

She nodded, “Why’d you think I was so confident, and daring, to track them down?”

“Anyways, guys, as I promised; someone who’s as much in love with Japanese men and Finnish rockstars as I am. Be nice.”

The four men nodded in a form of greeting while Sable could just sit and stare. That is until ten minutes later when she recovered from shock as she sat in between Koki and Junno.

“Why’s he still freakishly excited?” Sable asked, uncomfortable with the hyperactive Junno sitting beside her.

“Ignore him,” Koki offered an answer, “He’s perverse and weird.”

She smirked as something triggered in her mind; remind you of anyone?

“I met them on my last trip here,” Leigh explained, “Remember when I said I wanted to retrace my roots?”

Sable nodded quietly.

“I came to Japan and after a week of nothing, I finally found out that I was related to Ueda of all people,” She smiled, shaking her head, “Then I met these guys.”

“I thought you hated that guy; just because.”

“I still do. But he’s a cool person.”

“And you set this up, why?”

Leigh smiled, “Just because.”

Deep down inside, Leigh knew the reason why she had put up this meet-up. She glanced at Akanishi Jin, he seemed to be letting out a cold exterior though she could see that, while he was starring at Sable, a calm and comfortable expression seem to settle on him.

Then she turned to look at Sable. She looked so stumped but happy for the most part.
If something does happen, she thought, this’ll be one hell of a ride.
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