It Began With You

Chapter Two

Sable smiled. She was quite content. Spending time with Leigh, of whom she hasn’t seen in two years, meeting new people- those of whom she would never dream of in a million years, and just being here. She was happy with that.

They were strolling up the beach, an idea Kamenashi came up with- to which everyone had agreed to at the end(with a lot of pleading from Kame and Leigh, that is). It was nearing the end of summer, the breeze were stronger and for Sable, it was literally freezing cold since she came from a temperate country.

She looked at the foursome up ahead, made up of Koki, Junno, Leigh and Kame. The last two with finger entwined with each others. For some reason, she knew from the beginning that something had been going on with the two. The way she laughed at his jokes, the way he looked at her.

But something was bothering her, Akanishi Jin. He had been quiet throughout their breakfast at the coffee house, not peeping a word.

He has been rather reserved since he got back from LA, that’s what Kame told me anyways.” Was what Leigh had told her from the ride they had to the beach.

Why she was so affected by his silence, she didn’t know. But she knew she needed to find out, so she turned around and walked the opposite way. Jin had requested to be left behind so that they “could have an enjoyable walk without him spoiling the mood.” – quoting him.

“May I join you?” She asked politely as she ascended on the brick devider that separated the carpark from the sandy beach.

Jin looke up, surprised for the most part, after which he nodded while he ragained his composure. He seemed to be shying away from her, looking almost afraid to look at Sable in the eye.

“So, you went to LA recently?” She asked, trying to open a subject. Something they could both talk about.

He nodded quietly.

“Did you enjoy it?”

Once again, her question was met with a silent nod.

Sable gave up, “Can’t you do anything else other then nod?” She didn’t meant for it to sound hurtful or offencive, but unfortunately it seemed so as Akanishi Jin looked up at her for a meer seconds before setting off onto the beach- the opposite way from which the other four were going.

“I’m sorry!” She apologised, trying to catch up with the lanky Japanese idol, “I’m sorry.” She said once again as brisk walked beside him.

He snarled at her.

“What is honestly wrong with you? You’re acting like Edward Cullen, and I don’t like Edward Cullen!”

He gave her a look that read he didn’t care what she thought.

Fifteen minutes passed and they’ve walked at least a mile down the beach, “You’re not gonna leave me alone, are you?” He asked, finally voicing out his thoughts.

She kept silent.

“Am I talking to a brick wall?” He asked, faking a knock through an invincible wall.

Once again, she didn’t give him an answer.

He narrowed his eyes down at her, “God you weren’t this annoying in my dreams!” He threw his hands up.

She put up an eyebrow, “What dream?”

He sighed irritably and sat down on the sand abruptly. She stopped walking, recognising his actions, and sat beside him

What dream?” She repeated.

“If I tell you this, do you promise not to tell the whole world about it?”

“I’m a girl, not a journalist.” She smiled.

Jin still didn’t seem all that content with her answer though he did start; “While I was in Los Angeles three months ago, I had a dream. Literally, I dreamt of someone. I know it’s cliché to call someone whom you’ve dreamt of your life partner, or your better half,” He paused, “But ever since I’ve dreamt of her, I’ve been feeling this empty void I can’t seem to fill once I’ve woken up.”

“What was it about?” Sable prodded.

“I dreamt that I was asleep, not a deep sleep though. Then I’d realise that the part of the bed towards my left would always sink in, as if someone was sitting on it. At first I was terrified to open my eyes, scared of what I’ll see in front of me. But when I finally plucked up the courage to, I realised that there was a woman sitting on the edge of the bed. She wasn’t incredibly beautiful, she had dark hair and an incredible smile,” He sighed, “I didn’t know who she was though.”

Jin stole a glance at Sable before continuing, “She’d say ‘Get up and get out.’ Though not in an offencive manner. She said it in a soft voice, actually. Then she’d stand up and walk out the door. Every time the door clicked close, I’d have this gut feeling to follow her. So I did.”

Sable waited in anticipation, she was rather looking forward to something exciting or scary rather then a romantic dream. But she’d settle for this, just to know why Jin had been acting so indifferent about things lately.

“I’ll always spot her in the hallway leading to the living area, she had a beautiful smile planted across her features. As I came closer, she seemed to have gone further away. Then at last, she finally dissappeared.” There was a hint of sadness in his voice as he said that.

“After that, I’d get a call, from someone I don’t seem to know, yet I knew what he looked like. He said that the woman who had dissapeared right before my eyes just now was lost. She went with them on a trip and was seperated by the group. They haven’t found her yet so they called me. I don’t know what relation she had with me but I knew we were close because after the call ended, I’ll always feel sad and I’d cry my heart out.” He was looking possibly even more down then he was before.

“And then what happens?”

Jin sighed as if lifting a hefty burden of his chest, “I’d wake up right after. And I’ll feel empty, I’d felt as if there was this person who’s calling out to me yet I don’t know her. Do you know how it feels to not get what you want? Especially if the feeling affects your whole demeanour and your career?”

Sable didn’t know what to say honestly, she hasn’t really seen somebody who was greatly affected by a dream up to this lengths. It was heartbreaking, she concurred, but was it possible that this dream didn’t mean anything more then just a hallucination or a bigger want to own something?

What Jin would say caught Sable off guard, leaving her confused of what he meant; “Then you came along.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Then she came along.