‹ Prequel: Inseperable

When Your Eyes Say It

Tu Amor

A week later…

(Kylie’s Pov)

When we got back from New York it was the day before Valentines Day. We got back to the house around one in the morning so technically it was Valentines Day. I crashed the second my head hit the pillow.

When I woke up there was a rose on Nick’s pillow with a note under it. I picked up the rose with a smile and smelled it as I sat up and grabbed the note. The only thing the note says was ‘I love you.’ I smiled as a read the words and I looked up to the door to find a path of rose pedals leading out the bedroom door. So I got up and followed the path. It went from the bed room down the hall, down the stair case, through the kitchen into the dinning room. The table had more roses in the middle of it and breakfast was sitting on the table waiting. I walked around the table with the tips of my fingers tracing the table as I walked around it. Then I heard the sounds of a piano softly playing from the next room. I walked in to fin Nick sitting at the piano playing it. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck down his chest and rested my chin on his shoulder as he finished playing.

“Good morning.” He said tilting his head back as I started to stand up straight.

“Good morning. Did I ever tell you how lucky I am to have a boyfriend like you?” I said sitting on his lad on the piano bench as he turned around to face me and give me my good morning kiss.

“I do recall you telling me that a few times before.” He said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around me. “Let’s go eat.”

“Yes I’m hungry.”

“You always are.” He said jokingly.

“HEY!” I said hitting him playfully.

“I’m only kidding.”

“Better be mister.” I said sitting in my chair starting to eat.

Once breakfast was over we went upstairs to start getting ready for the day. Nick apparently had this whole thing planned out. I could only imagine what he would pull together.

I was getting in the shower while Nick was picking out his cloths and making calls. I wasn’t allowed to know anything. It was all top secret. Which just made me want to know even more. But he led no trail to even the littlest of hints. So when I was done taking my shower and got out, he was all done with his phone calls and waiting for me to get out of the bathroom.

While he was in the shower I got dressed and looked around for anything clue about what Nick had planned. Then I thought that maybe his phone calls could help me. I looked for his phone but he had it with him in the bathroom. I swear that boy in so attached to that thing. I guess I just have to wait. But hey maybe it’s worth it.

Once Nick got out he got dressed and met me downstairs. I was dressed in this…

And nick was dressed in...

Nick grabbed my hand and we left. He drove us to the woods. It was really pretty.


We walked through the woods in silence till we got to the picnic area where Nick had a table set up for us. He had sandwiches made up for us with snakes and water. I love him so much. He can make the littlest things so romantic. I took some chips and put in on my turkey sandwich and Nick laughed at me.

“What?” I said with a smirk. He’s seen me do this a million times before.

“Nothing, just every time you do that it’s funny.”


“It’s not usual.”

“I blame my mother. She does it all the time and I caught up on it when I was little. It’s not bad. I’ve seen people eat worst.”

“Oh really?” he asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, my one friend had blueberry pancakes and she put pixi-stix on it, chocolate milk, and about everything else on the table. And then like a year before I meet you at Kelly’s house for a sleep over they all made this disgusting, I can’t even find a word for it. It has syrup, chess doodles that we had named Chris, chips, two different kinds of ice cream, BBQ sauce, and honey mustard. About everyone drank it but me. It was so disgusting.”

“Ok you win.” He said throwing up his hands. “You have some crazy friends.”

“Have you meet Kelly?”

“Yeah…she is an odd one. But so are you and that’s why I love you.” I just glared at him. He knew what I was thinking. He always does. There is not a way something can pass him with me. He knows everything. Sometimes he knows too much but it’s a good thing. His phone rang and he knew he had to take it so he walked away for a little.

-Nick’s Pov-

In the middle of my romantic lunch with Kylie Joe called me. He was with Kelly, Gracie, and Kevin. Why they were with each other on Valentines Day I don’t know.

“Hi Joe.” I said answering my phone.

“HI!” Everyone screamed into the phone and I could tell I was on speaker.

“What’s up?”

“We just wanted to know if you asked her yet. So did you?” Kelly asked anxiously.

“No not yet. But I’m planning on it.” I said looking back at her sitting at the table looking up at the sky. She is so observant. “Is it cheesy to be asking her this today? On Valentines Day?”

“Well yeah, but it’s you. That one of the reason she loves you. You know that. I say just do it and get it over with. You’ve had that ring since you first got to New York and you’ve wanted to ask her forever. Why wait any longer.” Kevin said ensuring me.

“Ok, I’ll probably ask her at dinner. I got to go thought. Talk to you guys later.”

“Bye little bro.” Joe and Kevin said at the same time then hung up the phone. I walked over to Kylie where she was waiting for me.

“Ready to move on?” I asked as I started to clean up everything and put it in the basket for my ‘help’ to collect when we were gone. We started to walk back to that car.

“How did you find this place?” Kylie asked looking around. I could tell she really loved it.

“I have my ways.” I said with a smile.

“You always say that when you do something like this.” She said pushing me a little.

“But I do it all for you.” I said wrapping her in my arms as I looked down as her kissing her forehead.

“I love you.” She said resting her head on my chest.

“I love you too.” I said and knew that this was THE moment I’ve waited for. “Kylie?”

“Hm.” She said looking up at me.

“You know that I’ll be here for you, that I will do anything for you. And I know that it’s hard with me on the road all the time and having to do photo shoots and TV shows and everything. But in all that you stayed with me, you stuck it out. Through the rough times and the great. You are my superwoman and I love the fact that I know more about you than you do. Most of the time I can’t breathe when I’m around you but I know I have to. My knees get weak but I hold myself up.” I took a deep breathe in knowing that the next line was the hardest to say. I’ve never been so scared or nerves in my life.

I slowly got down on my knee. I could see her start to cry when I looked back up at her. And then the words just came out. “Will you marry me?”

“Y…Ye…YES!” She was speechless. I stood up and slipped the ring on her ringer but she just wanted to wrap her arms around me. I held her close to me.

“Come on let’s go.” I said grabbing her hand as we walked back to that car. The whole car ride she has a smile on her face looking down at her hand. I couldn’t help but smile.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked looking at her as frequently as I could.

“Everything.” She said looking up with a bigger smile on her face.


“How much I love you.” I moved my right hand to grab her left hand and bring it to my lips. She just giggled.

“I love you.” I said once again. Sometimes it’s not said enough but I know that she feels it.

“I love you to Nick.” I brought both our hand down to rest in the middle.

When we arrived back at the house Kylie ran inside as I chanced her. She knows how to start games with me. She would always run a head of me but not to fast and frequently turn around to face me with a smile on her face. After a while I would catch her and tackle her to the ground as we laughed. It’s the one of many ways we keep our love alive. How we keep our self’s entertain.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry it's been a while. I'm trying to keep up with everything. But you all are lucky. I had started this chapter a while ago and I had opened it today getting ready to start typing when I had problems with a friend who is not really doing so good.

But now I'm in a better mood knowing that I have a snow day and that I'm going to visit her in the hospital with a few of my other friends.

ANYWAY...hope you liked it. Next chapter will be dinner and telling everyone.

So how many of you saw the new movie already? I saw it Friday night....but JB was in Arizona. Can you believe that they don't or didn't have it in PA where my brother works?

Oh and so all of you can hate my friend as much as I do...She saw the Jonas Brothers tour bus while driving and she saw Nick's head and he looked at her, then she saw Kevin's head. And they all waved to her. HOW MUCH DO YOU HATE HER!?!?!?! I KNOW I DO!