Yeah, I'm A Paranoid Schizophrenic


"They're still there," I said quietly, looking down at my feet. Dr. Fare looked at me oddly and wrote something down on her clipboard.

"All of them?" She asked.

"Yes," I whispered. "All of them. And they're getting angrier."

"What do you mean?" She questioned. I looked up at her face. It was old and un-caring, like always. I stared at the mole on her left cheek. It was so large and hairy- "Allison are you listening to me?" I jumped and looked back down at my feet.

"No mam," I mumbled.

"I asked why your hallucinations were getting angrier," she said calmly.

"I guess it's because they're going away. Because the medication is working," I said in monotone. I had told her this before, many times before, but she forgets this. All old people forget.

Dr.Fare wrote something else on her clipboard and sighed. "Allison, I know you like these hallucinations, but they must go away! This is not good that they're still here." She sighed again and sat her clipboard on the petite table next to her. With noticeable effort she stood and smoothed out her floor-length skirt. "We will continue this conversation next time. Now come on, your late for lunch hour," she droned and opened the door. I slowly stood and shuffled out.
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Sorry it's short.
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