Widow or Divorcee?

Day Thirteen.

Alicia stares at Gerard and I as we walk into the kitchen. It wasn't evil, I guess she just doesn't see us as sleeping together. I'm going to punch Mikey for telling her.

Gerard sits down and my mom hands him a coffee, then she glances at me. If Mikey told her to, he's not going to see anything for the rest of his life, and glasses won't fix it. Mikey walks in, then walks back out. My mom doesn't really care about gays, I mean her brother is one as I figured out. It just shocks her that its me, her only son with the gayness.

"Frank, you know I love you right?" she sits next to Alicia and Alicia nods for some reason. I nod too, and she looks at Gerard, "Gerard, you know I love you as if you were my own son, right?" Alicia nods again, and I look at her like shes retarded. She rolls her eyes and sips her coffee. Gerard nods slowly. She then literally blows a casket.

"What the fuck is your guys problem? Fucking in the same room as Aribelle. Are you trying to mess up her mind. What if she saw? She's already caught into the porno world." Well actually that was Alicia shouting. I guess she already heard what my mom said, because the second she finished, my mom closed her mouth.

Alicia then sat down, sheepishly smiling at my mother. She just rolled her eyes and smiled, "Please, im fine with it, but get a diffrent room when you do. Thank god for Mikey. If he didn't tell me, who knows what Aribel-"

Gerard shot up, and Alicia and my mom cursed. Gerard, I suppose, did not know yet that Mikey was the one who told, which pretty much was obvious, so he ran into the living room, where Marc was sitting eating popcorn while Joshua and Derrik held cokes in their hands.

A loud thud and Mikey is screaming at Gerard to get his, and I quote, 'Gigantic, Fat, Macho boney ass' off of him. Gerard growled and glared at Mikey. Alicia eventually got Gerard off of her husband, and she pushed him away. Then she helped Mikey get up. She glared at Gerard, then walked back into the kitchen.

All I could do was say, "Ooo, Burn!" Im glad he didn't want to trample me as well.


Angry at what happened today, I sat on the couch with Frank watching a television movie that I forgot the name of. I then noticed Frank looking at me, his brown eyes sparkling from the light of the television. I looked at him, "What does this mean?"

"I dont know," well, actually I was to scared to say my feelings for Frankie because I just couldn't. Not after a divorce. Its too hard.

Frank looked down, "So the sex didn't mean anything." I didnt want to make him cry. He was beginning to though. I gripped his hand and he looked up at me. I gave him a kiss.

"It means everything."

He smiled.