Widow or Divorcee?

Day Fourteen.

I pick up Aribelle and swing her in my arms. She gurgles and drools down her face. Using a tissue nearby, I wipe her face of the drool and he swings her arms everywhere. She almost wacks me in the face as I walk downstairs. It was actually pretty quiet in the house ever since yesterday's catastrophe when I fucked Gerard in the same room as Aribelle. I walked into the room with Aribelle and I saw my mom sitting on the ground, her hands resting on the carpet, and tears slidding down her face.

She couldn't talk. Her mouth was all chocked up with sobs and if she tried to talk she would break into tears. I put Aribelle on the ground, and my mom immediatly held onto me and cried into my shoulder. Her make-up was running down her cheeks. She used her sleeve to wipe her nose and her tears. She looked so messed up sitting here crying. It was four in the morning anyway.

My mom looked me into the eyes. She then picked up Aribelle and stroked her hair softly. Aribelle giggled, and my mom said, "Smile for her." I smiled lightly and Aribelle made kissing noises. Then my mom sighed, "That was the last time you'll smile for awhile."

I tilted my head and listened, she sighed. "Honey, your-"

She couldn't finish. She broke into tears and I didnt know what to do. She then set Aribelle back down on the floor.

"Your father had a heartattack."

My breathing came to a halt, before tears seeped out.