Widow or Divorcee?

Day Eighteen.

I wasn't taking the fact that Gerard thought I was pregnant lightly. I giggled calmly on his parent's couch, and he stared at me. I looked up at him, my face flushed red and my giggles coming out hoarsely as I clenched my stomach from the pain of my increasing laughter.

His glares became more intense, "It's not nice to laugh at me. I've dated people I didnt know were the opposite gender." My laughed ceased and I look at him. He smirked, "Her name was Cassandra. I dated her for three months, and she was a gorgeous girl. Until we had sex of course. She explained to me that she used to be a guy. It scared the crap out of me but it was when I had my first gay experience."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, so when you told me that you had no experience, you were lying so you didnt have to go through the whole shit process?"

Gerard sighed and shook his head, "She dominated the whole thing. She just did what she was suppose to do and we fucked. Not like I paid much attention anyway." I looked at his glassy eyes and smiled, "If you say so Gerard," And I stepped out of the house, kissing him on the cheek beforehand.
Aribelle cooed in my hands as I tried to feed her the mashed apples my mother had bought her early. She was having more fun with the television as The Wonderpets came on. I swore when she gurgled and cooed, it was in tune with the song.

She sloppily removed the mashed fruit from the spoon and turned to the television as she swallowed, a mixture of saliva and apple dripping down the side of her mouth. She waved her hands, successfully, if by accident, knocking over the food and landing right onto my shirt. She giggled at the sight and covered her mouth. She was a bundle of joy when she didnt make a complete mess. I just stripped off my shirt, not worrying about anything really. Aribelle giggled and touched the scorpion tattoo on my neck.

Aribelle then called for her to be down, which just meant she pointed at the ground and started crying until I let her down. Wiping the drool off her face and setting her down, she crawled over to her little blanket and sat there watching television. She looked hypnotized by the duck, hamster and turtle.

The fact remains, why the hell does the turtle were water shoes when he is meant for the water? Why the hell does it need shoes? Its a fucking turtle. I sat down, still shirtless infront of the television, barely paying attention.