Widow or Divorcee?

Day Twenty-Three.

[Sorry about the short updates. I just needed to get that shit out of the way. It blocked my mind for like... ages. Well since I have that out. Here's a long chapter... I hope. By the way, its Frank pov first. And I dont know if im doing Gerard's pov. Oh well. Im gonna start saying POV's]

I awoke in a white room. The room was bland, smelled like coconut, pinesol and laundry detergent. I sneezed which caused my head to slam back into the pillow. I rubbed my forehead, and opened my eyes a little, just enough to see a group of people smile. It was.. odd. I didnt even know these people and they were staring at me like I had just woken up from a coma. A girl, short with black hair, trudged up to me and smiled.

"Im Alicia," she said. It was really scary, but I nodded anyway, "That's Mikey, Ray, Bob, Manilla, and that's Mandy." I looked at everyone she pointed at and nodded, taking in the details of everybody and trying to remeber their names without forgetting later. "Your in Belleville, New Jersey. Your name is Frank. You have a daughter named Aribelle and.." Alicia stopped at looked at everyone, they nodded and she continued, "And your wife died in a fire about two weeks ago."

Wow. Thats a nice way to be reminded. I stare at them, and sit up. The laundry detergent smell comes back and I sneeze. I wipe my nose and stare at everyone. I look around for a second then back at everyone. A doctor walks in and smiles. "Mr. Iero, I see you have awoken. Would you like to return home with your friends?"

Alicia pointed to her head and spun them in that way where it means he's crazy, but the doctor gets it, "Ah, thats right. You have a memory loss and don't remeber anything. Uhm, any of you taking him home?" Bob and Manilla stood up and accepted that. I lifted myself off the bed and collected a pair of clothing from a seat and walked to the bathroom.

Staring at myself, I couldn't help but say that I was probably the sexiest man alive. Sure, that was pretty vain, but hey. I was the sexiest bitch alive. I fluffed my hair as I heard someone walk into the room. He had a girl with him, for I heard clinking heels.

"Where is he?" He was breathing rapidly. Did he run here?

"What the fuck do you care Gerard? You messed up your relationship with him, your got a skank as a girlfriend," she gasped and scoffed, "And now you expect him to be your friend?"

"You told me yourself Mikey," 'Gerard' was much calmer then Mikey was, "He has memory loss, maybe I can start a frien-"

"No Gerard, go fuck your girlfriend and leave us alone. You fucked up with drugs and alcohol, and now you fuck up with him, leave!"

The girl obviously left, but 'Gerard' had jumped on someone and there was a loud thud as Mikey screamed in agony. Alicia stood up and started screaming at Gerard to get off. I seated myself on the sink to listen to it some more.

"Gerard get off him!" Alicia screamed. The door to the room was closed, and someone put themselves infront of my door so I couldn't come out. Mikey screamed again, and Alicia was getting help from Bob and Ray to get him off. Once they got him off, Bob screamed at him to get out, and my way was open.

I opened the door fully dressed, and everyone acted like nothing happened. Mikey was pretty beat up, and was buried in Alicia's neck. I rubbed my arm gently and everyone stared at me for a few seconds before asking if I wanted to leave. I nodded and we were off.
A lady came up to me and hugged my tightly. She was my mother, no one that old would show me that much affection. She smiled when I said she was my mom. She must have thought I actually remebered, but sorry lady. It's just really obvious.

"Oh honey, I wish you remebered more," she pulled away from me, and thats when I noticed I was really short. She was a short lady, but I was at least a little shorter then her. She smiled at me, and then she handed me a little baby. This was that daughter Alicia told me about.. Aribelle. She gurgled in my arms and hugged me, pulling at my shirt. She was so cute, and she looked like me. She had the same eyes that I saw in the mirror at the hospital.

"Hi Aribelle," she smiled, and then I asked where my room was. My 'dad' took me upstairs and led me to my room. He opened it and led me in, then left me. I quickly locked the door and set Aribelle in her crib. She gurgled, then cuddled into a little teddy bear and soundly fell asleep. She was one of those really well-behaved children. I kissed her forehead and laid down in the bed and shivered. I covered myself and went into a deep sleep.


Maxine was screaming at me. "What the fuck Gerard? You sleep with him find me in a bar two days later, and then fuck me. Your a whore." I stared at her for some time before I just gave up and looked away. She screamed at me to look at her, but I just said no. I simply walked out of the living room and into my room. Marc, Derrik and Joshua were playing cards on my bed, so I just walked out and sat in the boys room. Maxine was still screaming at me, but I just sat their.

"Would you shut up for once woman?" Joshua shouted, standing behind her with his arms crossed and this questioning look on his face. She turned and put her fingertips to her cheek.

"Im going to be your aunt-"

"Shut up with the damn marrying. Im not ever gonna marry you Maxine!" I shouted, before storming out of the room and out of the house. I heard Maxine scream as I slammed the door in her face. Tears were falling down my face as I got into my car and drove. Drove to wherever my mind took me. As I stopped in someone's driveway, I looked up and noticed I was at Frank's house, and I saw him dance topless with Aribelle in his arms, smiling. I felt all weird inside as I knocked and his mom answered. She gave me a cold glare.


I fiddled with my fingers and sighed, "Can I talk to Frank?" She sighed, and nodded, moving away from the door so I could go upstairs. I knocked, and he opened the door smiling.

"Yes?" He was still red from giggling, and Aribelle, who could finally walk, was holding by his leg. She hid away from my face as I glanced at her. Frank let me in when I told him I needed to talk to him. He locked the door and set Aribelle in her crib, where she played with a bunch of blocks.

We stared at eachother for a second, before I leaned in and kissed him. He didn't seem to care, he kissed back, pretty much. He wrapped his arms around my neck, before pulling away.

"Mikey told me to stay away from you, he told me everything," his finger slid across my bottom lip, "But your just irresistable."

I couldn't help but smirk at that remark, and kiss him again.