Widow or Divorcee?

Day Three.

My mother knows about the fire. She forced my father to get the guest bedroom ready, and take down my old crib. My mother was frantic when I told her about Jamia. She said she would pray for her health. I didnt really believe what my mom said, but I went along with it. I didnt need my mother's harsh tone screaming at me for thinking so wrong.

The doctor. Doctor Malahki walked out with an emotionless face. Since I couldn't read his face to figure out what happened, I had to hear the dreadful words. His words struck me like an arrow in my heart. I dropped at those words, my knees loosing balance and my body dropped.

"Jamia didnt make it."

I.. I dont know what I felt like laying on the cold tile floor with my face in my hands. I forced myself to sit down as the doctor walked away to tender to many other patients in this place. My arms were weak. All I could was lean against the wall and wrap my arms around myself. Aribelle was crying. A nurse tended to her, seeing that I was unable at this point. She leaned down and patted my shoulder, "Im sorry about your wife, Mr. Iero. We did everything we could, but the burns already detroyed her veins by the time we got her into the E.R." I nodded at her words.

Standing up, I held Aribelle in her carrier and left the hospital. My heart torn to threads and left at that hospital. Aribelle fell asleep in the carrier. Whatever was left of the house was in my trunk and I drove home. I have hours before I would be able to get back to Belleville. My eyes watered slightly as the thoughts of all my lost friends rushing back into my mind. I hadn't talked to them since I moved to Queens. I gave Aribelle her bottle before getting onto the highway toward's Belleville.


Marc stood infront of a large car and Derrik stood next to him. They watched the men load in all of the boy's stuff and all of my stuff. The truck was a rented U-Haul truck. I was on the phone with my parents. My mom was still shocked at the whole deal with Eliza.

"So let me get this straight." You could hear her footsteps as she paced the condo's floor, "Eliza went and slept with one of your friends in Chester. She is also a slut at a Gentleman's Club there? How could she sleep at night!" The last bit made me let out a giggle. She laughed too.

"Darling, of course you can stay in our extra room. The boys can bunk in the study, and you dad could move everything into the living room. Its no big deal honey. Nobody minds." I heard my dad grumbled 'I am not moving everything,' in the background and my moms poor excuse to cover the phone and hush my dad. "So, ill see you in a few hours."

"Yeah mom."

The line went dead, and Gerard turned on his heel to stare at his two boys watching the moving men take everything into the truck. Gerard walked over to the boys and put a hand on each shoulder, "I guess we're going back to my childhood town and live with grandma and grandpa."

They cheered. My parents had been over and they loved that they were just like me, creepy with a sense of style. They also knew that that would mean they would get to see Mikey, their favorite uncle and Joshua, the coolest cousin they knew.

"I cant wait. Can we call Joshua, dad? Please?" Marc got on his knees and begged and so did Derrik. Who knew a fourteen year old got so much love from his cousins? Handing them my cell phone, then ran to a spot in the front yard and sat down, setting the phone on speaker and talking to a happy Joshua.