Widow or Divorcee?

Day Seven.

Ray was laughing at something Gerard said. I was barely even paying attention to anything anyone said. I was on the couch between Mikey and Gerard. Ray was sitting on the loveseat across from us with Ray. The kids were out with the wives. Ray apparently didn't know that Bob's wife was pregnant with twins. A boy and a girl, their names would be Adam and Isabella. Everyone thought it was cute.

Bob set his cup on the table and leaned back against the loveseat, "Okay. Since we haven't seen each other's since graduation day, let's talk about the past. Anybody have a terrific memory of anything that ever happened?"

"I do," at that moment Ray set his beer bottle on the side table next to him, and laced his hands together. "Does anybody remeber when we were, uhm in out pre-teens except for Frankie boy. He was nine." Frank glared at Ray. "Anyway, we were watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, and Mikey was grabbing a drink, and then we asked Gerard to get us popcorn. Gerard tripped over a cable as Gerard exited the kitchen and they locked lips on accident. Mikey's drink fell as he recoiled in disgust and Gerard kept rubbing his lips, and spitting on the floor."

Mikey at the time leaned against my shoulder and blush, as Gerard glared at Ray. "You know how Mikey feels about that. They called Mikey gay for months. You guys wouldn't let it go." Ray giggled, and patted Mikey's shoulder.

"Sorry buddy."

Mikey mumbled something obscene at Ray and then looked up. His face was still pinkish, but he was fine. He grabbed his coke and sipped it happily.

Coke Zero, that kid bought at least eight six packs when we went on a road trip during Sophmore Spring Break. I of course bought at least seven boxes of Skittles from nine diffrent convieniet stores. Gerard bought Dunkin Donut coffee boxes or something and nine cases of Frappuchinos from Starbucks. Bob just bought a bunch of random stuff. Ray bought three diffrent 'fro brushes in three diffrent colors and styles.

All of a sudden, as we remebered the road trip, something fumbled with my hair. I thought it was a spider so I closed my eyes tightly and then opened them. I turned to my left and saw Gerard's arm moving. He then smiled and showed that it was his hand. I smiled back and nodded.

But the second his hand touched my neck on accident. I shot up and immediatly said I needed to go to the bathroom. I locked the door and sighed. 'This is the first time I saw Gee in a while. I am not feeling that love thing when he touched him! I did not...' Oh hell. I was falling in love with a person I have never seen. How would Jamia feel?


The second I touched Frank's neck as I was reaching a peice of red hair in the back, he shot up in the air. He said he had to go to the bathroom, and he ran out. I was suprised and I just had to follow. I didnt even answer when they asked where I was going. I just went straight to the bathroom. I knocked lightly. Frank sighed and opened the door. He didnt even look. All he saw was my reflection in the mirror, and he wasn't happy to see me. His eyes closed.

"What do you want?"

"Is this about Jamia?"

He looked at my reflection again, he just didnt turn around. He shook his head, and mumbled something. I couldn't hear it. I asked him to repeat it, but he sighed. "Nevermind. So what do you want?"

"I was worried," I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. I looked at his reflection, "I knew you didn't come here because you had to go to the bathroom. What's wrong?"

He sighed, "Its nothing. Could you just let it go?"

I nodded and exited the door. But I innocently kissed his cheek. I looked at his reflection and then left. I looked through a crack in the door. He was smiling, his eyes were closed and his hand was to his cheek. I smiled. He must be thinking it was Jamia...