Chronicles of me and my insanely annoying life

Club meeting…

I sit here inside this slightly crowded physics room on a rather tall stool and sitting beside me are Viola and Shayne.

To be more specific the green clothed monster residing on my left is the first year student I know only as Shayne and the other first year girl student on my right is Viola.

Right now I’m vividly and remorselessly scribbling nonsense on Viola’s notebook. You must be thinking how I miraculously and magically stole Viola’s note of book.

The answer is Viola was kind enough to let me scribble my random thoughts and insights in her long but slim notebook because of my awesome stealth I was able to steal Viola’s note of book without her having any idea that I took it.

To be honest, it’s our so called quote unquote stargazing today.

In a few hours and minutes I’d be staring at the stars with my club mates-excluding some first years-,

but I was feeling no excitement regarding this.
I wasn’t looking forward to having the time of my life- I did that too many times and the outcome was very horrendous.

I really did want time to fly faster than now not because I loathed club meetings, but because boredom encircled my body.

Paying attention to Shayne who was blabbering about the dizziness she encountered-probably a wave of nausea- I hear her add afterwards that she liked the things I wrote.

She was obviously referring to the story I was currently writing right infront of her.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief, who in their right minds would say I was a great story writer? I had no idea.

And because of Shayne’s peeking and somewhat complementing my insane work-that was never done-

Viola also caught the wave of curiosity glanced at her notebook which was clearly destroyed because of my abnormally weird handwriting.

Memo to self: copy one of my classmates neat and printed handwriting before my hand becomes too attached to this so messed up handwriting.

Viola just nodded in agreement and looked into my eyes.

I diverted my eyeballs towards the paper which was attached on this notebook.

I didn’t listen to anything that our moderator said so far.

I was way too obsessed in completing and contemplating the nonsense that I scribbled on a notebook that wasn’t even mine.

Yes. I sound stupid, I probably am. But who am I to conclude that?

I don’t even know myself that well.

Listening was never ever my forte.

My listening skills were obviously, non existent.

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Author’s senseless doodles: Unfortunately, I might not add a chapter regarding the stargazing activity I wrote earlier.
I think it would just be too unexplainable and to senseless.
And fair readers, I’m sorry for the vivid shortness of this chapter. It is the first and I usually make my first chapters too short.
But if you were to compare and contrast my stories, you’d actually find out that I am a very, very short type of story writer.

And I’m contemplating on the death of my long hair and the magical uprising of my hair and forming into a pizza-like substance because of yeast.