Chronicles of me and my insanely annoying life


I sit here-and try to remind myself to sit less often-

scribbling, once again, aimlessly on the notebook that a friend of mine gave me.

I would love to pay gratitude to Jenina who gave the notebook,

but I’m rather too clouded with thoughts on how to start this chapter.

Racking my mind for any answers

which never actually showed up on time or showed up at all,

I was still unable to create a topic.

And here I am in front of the computer typing nonsense and listening to Tokio Hotel.

Yes, I’m obviously admiring the beauty of Tokio Hotel’s songs and trying to conjure a story.

Well what about I describe the day I already said I wont describe?

What I mean is what if I narrate a few things about the STARGAZING?

Just a little, that is.

After the club meeting had subsided and mostly everyone had left-those who weren’t stargazing.

We, me and my other third year acquaintances, changed our clothes and ran to our assigned section.

Handling with caution my abnormally large bags-yes, bags. I had three huge bags with me which were filled with things that could pamper me for a week.

Mom and Dad may have thought I’m leaving them for too long, I walked slowly with my fellow Scholasticans.

And well let’s just get to the good parts, shall we?

I and the other stargazers ate our snacks.

Mine was the oh-so-delicious and scrumptious “Pringles”.

Note: I’m not advertising Pringles, I’m just stating a fact that those things are good.

And we proceeded to wait at our open area thingy located near the covered walk and tiled area.

No chairs were found at the premises.

As usual.

And we waited for the sun’s setting, the moon would actually be arising at a late hour.

And thus our somewhat teacher came and greeted us all, not really formally.

Formalities were now a thing of the past.

And so the stars started to appear. Slowly, they emerged.

I was so grateful to experience stargazing once more.

It was very interesting, to see Venus shinning vividly-others thought it was a star-

And to point out constellations such as Orion-the easiest to point out- Cassiopeia, the winter triangle, the big dipper and many more.

But the best thing

was staying up late.

No one forcing you to sleep, no one telling you what to do.

That was the greatest part of it. For me, that is.
♠ ♠ ♠
Author’s senseless doodles: I know I promised not to narrate this but. I suddenly had to. Sudden urge thing. Well, I didn’t actually narrated it all. But maybe, when I get that chance I will. Maybe, just maybe, someday I’ll narrate this epic and long day.

Yeah! new chapter! I lived through cards out. Somehow. And well, I wanna see Himeko's drawing of me. Anime Version. I wanna see!

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