Love Is a Battlefield

Part 12

Kate could feel no pain as she looked about the situation. She could feel nothing at all. Taking a good look around the room, she gasped. In front of her was a bloody, battered, and broken body, so torn up you could barely tell it was human. She took a closer look, wondering why she was there, that was until she noticed the bright pink hair and the long beautiful gown she picked up weeks before with Zacky. Looking down at her body she could see herself glowing.

'Am I dead?' she asked, expecting no answer.

'No sweety. Well, at least not yet.' Kate's head snapped at the sound of her mother's voice.

'Momma?' Kate asked. 'Momma! What's going on?'

'I wish I could tell you that, but I don't even know the ways of our father.' Kate nodded her head.

'Momma, where's Jimmy?'

Kate's mother's angelic smile turned instantly to a frown. 'If you must know he's through that door, but he may not be a sight that you wish to see!' Kat's mother yelled as Kate passed through the closed door.

"This is all my fault!" Jimmy cried out as he paced in the waiting room.

"Jimmy, you can't blame yourself man." Zacky said, trying but failing to hold his emotions in. Tears fell down his face. That was his best friend in that operating room, and he had a bad feeling on what was going on in there.

"Yeah Jim." Matt said, pausing to wipe his eye, "It's that fuck head Jason Waters and his little bitches." The group nodded, the others too upset or afraid to say the wrong things.

"No! If I...If I just followed her to the bathroom, or..or made one of the girls go with her, then...then none of this would have happened!" Jimmy yelled, punching a wall, tears falling freely down his face.

Kate hovered over the group, crying non-existent tears. She went to Jimmy, placing a hand on his shoulder.

'Don't think that Jimmy.' She whispered in his ear.

"What? Kate! Where is she?" Jimmy yelled spinning around and passing through Kate.

"Jimmy?" Zacky asked cautiously, "She's in the operating room."

"Liar!" Jimmy looked around frantically, "I just hear her, she told me not to think that it was my fault!"

"Jim, she's in the operating room, two ribs punctured her lungs. Don't you remember Jim?" Matt asked, afraid for his friends sanity.

"No, you're wrong. She's..." He broke off when he turned face-to-face with a nearly invisible Kate. He took the hand and went to touch her cheek. He didn't hit skin, and his hand passed through. Unsure of what happened, he waved his hand through her face again. "No." He whispered so no one else could hear.

'Jimmy, I love you.' Kate said, kissing his cheek.

Jimmy felt a soft breeze where she placed her lips and touched the spot with his hand. "I love you too Kate, don't leave me," Jimmy pleaded, tears pouring down his face like rain.

'I can't control that Jimmy. It's in fate's hands now.' Kate's image faltered and appeared again.

"No, you can't leave," Jimmy said as his friends stared at him, talking to what they thought was air.

"Jimmy?" Brian asked, concerned for his close friend. Jimmy either couldn't hear him, or ignored him, but either way her didn't respond.

'Jimmy, just remember I love you.' Kate said as she heard her mother's voice call her. She began to be pulled backwards through the door, Jimmy following her. The pace picked up and Jimmy began to run. Her form passed through the door, Jimmy went to follow, but ran into the hard surface.

Just as Jimmy stood himself up, the doctor entered the room. He looked at the large group, a sad expression on his face. "This is the part of my job that I wish I'd never have to do." He said looking at the ground. "I am so sorry, but your friend," Kate's dad burst through the door out of breath, "Kate Williams has passed away." The group cried freely, weeping loudly as passer-bys looked at them, sympathetically. The guys bawled like infants, but could care less. Kate was dead and no one could change that.
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Soo, there will be maybe one or two chapters left, I'm not too sure right now.

tell me what you think?