Love Is a Battlefield

Part 13

Jimmy plopped down on the purple covered bed, looking around his surroundings. Kate's father had told him that he could look through Kate's things and have whatever he wanted, her father had already taken what he wished to use as a constant memory of his daughter. He also told the guys the same thing, but told them he wanted Jimmy to be the first to do so. Her father had also planned to move three days after Kate's funeral, he told the boys that the pain was all too real in the house and that he was going to live with a brother somewhere in the UK.

The picture placed in Jimmy's hands had previously been placed on Kate's night stand, it was Jimmy and Kate, sitting by the ocean, next to each other, hand-in-hand, backs turned to the camera, and facing each other. Zacky had taken it with her camera when they weren't looking. Tears started to fall from Jimmy as he remembered that day. It was hard for him to grasp that not all that long ago, they sat happily on a beach, completely in love and full of life. Well, what Jimmy didn't know was that Kate wasn't really that full of life, but that is jumping ahead in the story.

He sighed as he stood from the bed, placing the photo in one of Kate's messenger bags that she loved, and therefor would remind him of her. Jimmy really didn't feel right looking through Kate's personal things, but couldn't help but want to know everything he never got to find out. There were three drawers in Kate's night stand, and from what Jimmy has heard people keep the things most important to them in their night stands. Opening the bottom drawer, he huffed, finding it to be empty. He closed it and moved on to the next one. Inside was a book, the cover was bare, and it had stains and the pages were torn. Jimmy picked it up and opened it to the first page. A soft chuckle left his lips as he read the first lines to Dracula. Shaking his head he placed the book on the bed and rummaged threw the drawer, nothing of much interest, a couple CD's and torn papers. He softly closed it and opened the last drawer. It was empty, except for a single paper and a razor blade.

Jimmy gasped in shock, before picking up the paper, letting the blade slip off. He sat back down on the bed and began to read the paper.

Dearest Friends,

If you are reading this, than everything has truly become too much. Believe me when I say that this was never really the plan I had. And let me reassure you, I love you all, deeply and fully. I guess I should explain all this. When I moved out here, I had expected to be, well, out casted. I mean, look at the kid I was. Although, I did find you, all of you, Matt, Johnny, Brian, Zacky, and most of all you Jimmy, I still couldn't help hearing THEIR words. 'Slut!' 'Bitch!' 'Whore!' 'Skank!' And then the all so famous, 'She must just be fucking them all!' I don't think you all heard it, but I did. Every one of their words was like another stab to my heart. And I know they didn't really kill me, I took the blade to my wrists, but you might as well blame them. I hope you can all one day forgive me. And please don't forget, I love you.


P.S. Jimmy I do love you, but I want you to be happy, so find someone new. Someone who will love you as much as you loved me.

As if Jimmy wasn't crying before, he sure was now. By the time he read the letter, the tears had soaked the paper, making the ink bleed. He couldn't grasp the whole thing.

'Kate was thinking about killing herself?' He question his thoughts. 'Wait, what did she say again. Oh, right we might as well blame them. Who's them?'

Jimmy sat in deep thought for a while, looking at the note every so often and taking time to wipe the tears, He folded the note and put it in his pocket and took the copy of Dracula and placed it in the messenger bag. Taking one final look around the room, he picked up a few more pictures and then left, closing the door softly.

He passed the living room in the home, noticing Kate's father. He was unsure if he should show him the note, but decided to wait and make the decision on a later date. With a small nod to the grieving father, Jimmy left.

Two days passed and the day of Kate's funeral came around. Jimmy had shown the guys Kate's note that he had found. They were all shocked, and pissed off. The only good news was that the four people involved in Kate's death had all been charged with murder of the second degree and would be spending fifty years to life in jail, even though they were all still minors, they had been charged as adults considering they would be turning eighteen in less than six months time.

Jimmy stood in his room, standing in front of his mirror dressed in an all black suit.The guys were all waiting for him downstairs along with his parents. Tears fell from his eyes, bringing streaks of eyeliner with them as he thought of the events that would happen today. They would go to a church and hear some minister who didn't know a thing about Kate go on about the afterlife and then ride slowly in a funeral procession to a cemetery to hear the minister drone on again and then watch as they lowered Kate's coffin encased body into the cold, hard ground.

Jimmy looked out the window and to Kate's house, her father was entering a limo along with some of her family members that he had never met. Just as the limo pulled away, the dark sky opened up and rain began to pour down.

"Perfect." Jimmy grumbled, wiping his eyes and exiting his room. He figured that he would have to face this, one way or another.

Jimmy dropped down off the last step and looked at his friends and family, going not only to mourn their lost and beloved Kate, but to support him. Zacky was the first to embrace him, and was probably the one taking the lost the hardest, after Jimmy of course. Jimmy proceeded down the line receiving hugs from everyone, ending with his mother. They exited the home and entered vehicles, on their way to what Jimmy knew would be one of the hardest days of his life.