Love Is a Battlefield

Part 2

Kate stood outside of the door of Huntington High. She had friends at her old school and was excepted, but from what she hears of these California schools, they're the opposite of small town Nebraska. You either conform or you get shunned away. Now, Kate may look like she could give two shits less, but she is human. And for humans it's only natural to want to be accepted.

She took in a deep breath and pushed open the door. The halls went silent. All of the students were staring at her, and she could already her the whispers. She looked around, trying to spot a door that held the office, with no luck. She wandered and the bell rang, making the overly observant students head off to homeroom. She sighed in relief when she found she was the only one left.

She continued her search of about five minutes, without being able to find her destination. She kept walking, and passed by the lavatories. She heard the flush of a toilet and the running of water, and hoped that the boy that was in the boys' room would be able to help her. She stood, waiting for him to come out.

A boy stepped out, probably the same age as her, piercings in his lip, purple and black hair, and tattoos up his arms. He looked over at her and smiled a knowing smile.

"Let me guess. You're new and can't find the office?" He asked with a slight lisp.


"Well, let me get you to where you need to go. Yeah?"

"That would be great."

"Name's Zacky. What's yours?"

"Kate, Kate Williams." She took in a deep breath and laughed. "Smokin' in the boys' room much Zacky?"

He laughed. "Shhhh. No one needs to know. So, you like Crue?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Love 'em. Where are you from?"

"A small town in Nebraska."

"Nebraska huh? So how different is it from Cali?"

"I'm kinda missing it. Actually I miss it a lot."

"Why? Don't you like me?"

"No, it's not you. It's everyone else."

"I understand. Well, here we are. I'll wait for you to get your classes and then we'll get you to where you need to be." Zacky said opening the door for her.

"Late again I see Mr. Baker." A woman's voice, who Kate assumed to be the secretary, said.

"Not really. I found a lost new girl." He said with a laugh. "And she made me late."

"Sure, Mr. Baker. Sure." She laughed. "So, who's this new girl."

"That'd be me." Kate said walking in. "I'm Kate Williams. My dad enrolled me like a week ago."

The woman looked at her computer and typed in a few things. "Ahhh. Here we go. Kate Williams. I'll just print this out for you and we'll have Mr. Baker here show you around." The printer on her desk began to make noise and a schedule printed out. "Here you go. Oh, here Zack. This gives you permission to show her around. She's in most of your classes anyway." Zacky took the paper from her and Kate took her schedule.

The two left the room, and Zacky led the way. "What is your locker number?"

"Um," she laughed, "number 666."

Zacky went into a fit of hysterics. "Boy are they really not gonna like you here."

"What?" She asked afraid.

"No offense, but one, you look like me, and they don't like me and two, locker number 666. They'll think you're like the spawn of Satan or something. Don't bother me none though. I've wanted that locker since freshman year."

"Ugh, I want Nebraska back."

"Hey, cheer up. I know a couple people who will like you. As a matter of fact, you should sit at the lunch table with us. No girls, I'm afraid though. The girls her just don't, uh, like us. They aren't like you. Not that that's a good thing for them though. One day, they'll want us, because we'll be famous."


"We're in a band. Oh! Here we go, number 666. If you want to trade I'd be up for it."

"No, I'll be fine."

"Damn!" The two laughed as Kate put in her combination and shoved her purse in her locker. "So, what's your classes like?"

"Here, look at this." She said handing him her paper.

"You have all but one class with me. But, you have that with Jimmy after lunch, so you'll be good there."


"Yeah, why?"

"Um, does he live on Jefferson?"

"Yeah, actually. Why?"

"Oh, um. We met already."

"You met?"

"I moved into the house across the street from him."

"So, you're the new girl he said went out at night. Bad idea by the way."

"I know that now."

"Well, here's our first class. Physics." Zacky said as he opened the door. The class went quiet again, staring at the two entering the room.

"Mr. Baker! Are you ever going to be on time for my class!" The teacher boomed, the class chuckling at the cringing face of Zacky.

"Sorry Mr. K, I was helping the new girl around. I have a pass." He said shoving it to the teacher.

"Yeah, take your seat. New kid! Come here!" He started shoving books and papers at her, but she didn't care all she heard were the whispers.

'They were probably fucking in the bathroom.'

'She looks like such a hoe. I bet she'd screwed the whole group of them already.'

''Dude, easy fuck. I'd have to be blindfolded though.'

They kept going, and Kate tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't stop. The teacher showed her her seat in the back of the room, luckily, Zacky was in front of her.

The day continued like that, people talking about her, Zacky showing her around, and people being awfully mean. The bell rang for lunch, and the class sprang out the door, Zacky and Kate being the last two out.

"We'll go to your locker and then mine before we go to lunch." Zacky said walking by her side and to her locker. They threw all their stuff in their lockers and walked to the cafeteria. It was loud, that is until they entered, it went silent, but the whispers started again. "Ignore them, it'll pass soon enough."

"I hope so." They went to the line and got their food. Kate followed Zacky to a table and sat beside him.

"Vengeance! Who's the chick?" They heard and Zacky chuckled.

"Here we go." He whispered to Kate. "Gates! Dude it's a new girl! Be nice!"

"Oh, sorry. I was hopping that one of these hoe's decided to join the dark side." The boy said with a laugh, slapping Zacky in the back. "Hi, I'm Brian, but call me Syn or Gates, because I'm Synyster Gates." He said, hand stuck out to her.

"Kate Williams. Nice to meet you."

"No, nice to meet you. Glad to have a girl on our side for once."

A small guy sat next to Brian, a nose ring in his nose and a blonde and black mohawk. "Who are you?" He asked Kate.

"Christ, dude not cool. Kate's pretty fuckin' sweet." Zacky said hitting the small boy.

"It's alright Zacky. Name's Kate. I'm new."

"I see. We'll nice to meet you Kate, name's Johnny Christ." He shook her hand. "Was that good enough Zacky?"

"Fuck off!" Zacky yelled at him, throwing a carrot at his face.

"What did short shit do this time?" A voice boomed.

"He's being a dick to the new chick." Zacky said.

"Dude! That rhymed!" Brian yelled, causing me to laugh.

"New chick?" He looked at me and smiled. "Hi. I'm Matt, or M. Shadows."

"Kate, or Kate Williams."She said sticking my hand out to him. He chuckled and shook it.

"I like her." We all started to eat.

"Man, where's the Rev at?' Johnny asked looking around.

"No clue. Should be here by now." Matt said, joining Johnny in looking around.

"Lookin' for me?" Kate heard the same voice that saved me and smiled. She had to admit that she was looking forward to seeing him again.

"Yeah, where were you?" Syn asked.

"Mrs. Phillips held me back for throwing paint on some freshman." He said laughing and taking the seat next to me.

"Oh, funny shit. Did you meet the new girl yet?" Matt asked.

"No, who is she?"

"Man, sitting right next to you."

"Oh," He looked over at me and gasped. "Kate?"

"Hi Jimmy."

"Well, I knew you'd be here, but I didn't think you'd be here."

"Well, Zacky saved me from wandering the halls all day."

"Speaking of which, man can you help her to music? She has that class with you." Zacky asked.

"Sure." Lunch continued on and so did the rest of the day. Kate heard the whispers. She couldn't ignore them, no matter how hard she tried. It hurt her to have people think that of her. She wasn't any of what they said, it was driving her crazy.
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