Love Is a Battlefield

Part 6

A week passed while Kate sat in her hospital bed. she hadn't seen Jimmy since she had woken up. The other guys had come to visit after school once or twice and her father was there everyday, but the one she wanted to see, Jimmy, seemed to either be mad at her or had forgotten about her.

This was far from the truth. After school, everyday, Jimmy went home and sat by his window, starring at the house across the street. He hoped that she would come home soon, so he'd know she was OK. The guys said that she was and wanted to know why he didn't go and see her for himself. Truth is, Jimmy really wanted to, and that was all the reason why he did not go see her. Feelings he had never felt before seeped into his emotions and made him want to throw himself at his new friend and confess an undying love for her. And this is what stopped him from seeing her, it confused him how much he already cared for her.

"Kate? Ready to leave?" Kate's father asked while a nurse with a wheel chair came into the room.

"Yeah, but do I really have to ride in that?" She asked.

"Yes, honey. It's regulation for the hospital that all patients leave in a chair." The nurse said with a kind smile.

"Ugh! Fine, just get me out of here." Kate said, standing up and making her way to he chair. Her father grabbed her bags and followed his daughter and the nurse out.

Jimmy sat and watched as the familiar four-door sedan pulled into her driveway. He watched with a twist in his stomach as her father rushed to the passenger side and opened the door, helping his daughter as she fought with him that she was fine. A small chuckle and smile came from Jimmy as he watched her.

And then it happened, she turned around and locked eyes with him. Her father kept walking, tugging lightly on her arm. She pulled away and started to make her way across the street. Her father chased her, but she broke out into a run and happened to be faster than him. A door bell echoed throughout his house and he heard his mother yelling that she would get it. This was one of those times when Jimmy wished she worked all day.

"Mrs. Sullivan, is Jimmy home?" Kate asked though she already knew the answer.

"He's up in his room. How are you feeling? Better I hope."

"I feel great, I just wanted to tell Jimmy that I'm home." Kate said with a smile as she made her way upstairs. Kate didn't knock, she knew he knew she was there.

Jimmy looked at the door and waited for it to open. Kat slammed the door and looked in Jimmy's face.

"Why didn't you visit?" she asked hurt.

Jimmy noticed the tone of her voice and felt like a dick. "It's hard to explain."

"Try me."

Jimmy looked up into her eyes and sighed. "I don't know if I can."

This time it was Kate that noticed pain in Jimmy's voice. She made her way across the room and sat on the bed next to him, putting her head on hie shoulder. "Jimmy, I know we haven't known each other long, but you can tell me anything."

Jimmy turned so he could face Kate. "Kate, I love you." Was all he said before getting up and leaving again, this time he didn't know where he was going.

Kate sat on his bed, dumbfounded. Tears started to pour down her face while a realization hit her. She loved Jimmy back. She stood up and ran out of the house, going to the first place where she thought she'd find Jimmy. The park where they first met.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I updated. And it's a start at least.

I think I might fast forward through this some, try to update a lot and often, because I really want to put up the sequal to vacation love.