Love Is a Battlefield

Part 7

Kate ran down the street, though she was told to take it easy. Her destination wasn't too far, and a strong driving force pulled her there. The gate in front of her burst open and she ran down the small pathway, passing families and couples having picnics and playing games. She looked around and saw him sitting on the swing where she sat when the first met. He was staring up at the sky, rocking back and forth. Kate looked above her and saw nothing of interest in the air, just the typical clouds and glaring sun. She made her way over to him slowly, sighing when she finally reached him. She sat on the swing beside him with a huff, and looked up.

"Did you mean it?" She asked lightly. He didn't answer, but turned his look to the ground. "Jimmy, I have a right to know if you meant it. Jimmy do you love me?" She said turning her gaze to him.

He sighed and looked over at her, his eyes were red underneath, showing that he was holding back tears. "I don't was things that I don't mean." He said standing up and starting to walk away.

Kate stood up and ran after him. "Damn it Jimmy! Get back here!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, grabbing his arm and jerking him back. Some parents stared at them and ushered their children to the other side of the park.

"Why? It's not like you lo..." he was cut short by Kate jumping up to place a kiss on his lips. Jimmy caught her and held her up to him.

"Don't you ever think or say that Jimmy" She said pulling away. "Of course I love you."

Jimmy smiled. "Are you sure it's not just because I've saved you two times since I met you?"

"Well....." Jimmy had a look of hurt cross his face. "I'm kidding. I'm sure that is not the reason."

"Good, though I would like it if you made my job as your night in shining tattoos a little easier and not get yourself into trouble so often." He said pecking her nose.

"I'll try." She said kissing his lips again. That was when she heard it again.

"Look at that. I told you she probably fucks them all." Quarterback Jason Waters said with a sneer.

"Yeah man. She was probably in the hospital from a broken pussy." The large linebacker Walter Jackson said, causing the two to laugh and the two cheerleaders with them to giggle.

Jimmy didn't hear the banter, but Kate did. She didn't know if Jimmy felt her change in disposition, but her shoulder slumped some and tears threatened to leave her eyes. Every time she heard people say these things about her, a little part of her died. Just how long would it take for it to kill her as a whole?